True Life in God Messages

712 True Life in God Notebook 68 to visit my wretched soul by Love. No, You do not disdain the wretched nor the poor in their misery and poverty, but come willingly to their help. You lead me daily to witness Your Glory, and as a Torch that lightens one’s path, Your Presence keeps me from falling. To Your Banquet You invite me every day of my life, to lavish my soul with Celestial Manna. My poor heart You have grafted to Your Sacred Heart, there You revive my soul to sing Loyalty to You. You exult my spirit to proclaim fearlessly Your Word to the nations. With Your right Hand clasped around my own, You plant, You build: Justice and Fortitude. Yes, the King of the Heavens and earth plants virtue where there is vice, peace where there is war, unity where there is division, love where there is hatred, faith where there is godlessness, hope where there is despair. Holy is His Name. You instituted Your Kingdom1on earth, anointing us and giving us new life for our soul. To save us You were denied what Your Lips entreated in Gethsemane, but You answered when Your Father called You. And now, my soul will live for You alone and I will serve You alone. I will proclaim the Greatness of Your Name so long as I live. you will proclaim Me to generations still to come, to show My Righteousness to a people yet unborn; no, I do not disdain the wretched nor do I neglect the poor, but I come to them with My Heart in My 1The Church. Hand, to show them that My Love is everlasting, and My Faithfulness enduring from age to age; I have, in your days taken sackcloth to manifest My grief, the pillars of the Heavens tremble and My angels are struck with grief to watch this generation following the trail trodden by Satan; this is why I descend from My Throne to reach all of you; no, I will not neglect anyone; I will sit down with the wretched and they will not be afraid of Me; I will befriend them, barefoot, 2 and tell them that from the beginning they were never fatherless, and if they had never grasped the Celestial Laws it was because no one was near them to tell them; no one told them either they are the Almighty’s seed; then around Me I shall gather them, 3 like lambs, close to My Heart and like someone who is about to reveal a secret, I will nourish them from My Lips: The Our Father; then I will tell them that LOVE is before their eyes; the Living Bread is the very One who sits among them, the One who lived and died for them is now speaking to them; the One whose Breath made the Heavens luminous and that through Him all things came to be is with them before their eyes; I shall invite all the passers-by: “who is wretched and disdained by your society? let him step this way;” I shall leave no one hungry, no one poor, for My Blessings are riches and my Love satisfying; My ways are delightful ways, My paths lead to eternal Life; I will instruct the wretched and the poor that their Father in Heaven is their Guardian, a saving God; I will remind them that they too are ranked as His children, and they could call Him: “My Father,” and if they ask: “where is 2Barefoot, an analogy to simplicity. 3The wretched.