True Life in God Messages

Notebook 68 True Life in God 711 himself to wage war on you and you have become his supreme target, determined to stop you from prophesying; do not be afraid from his threats, I will help you, I will help you, so take heart! you will go by unhindered and the offences he thrusts on you using people, will only reinforce you; I will work unexpected miracles in My Assemblies to remind My children that I Am; the Father they have forsaken has never forsaken them; I will remind them that My Presence saves and that My Holy Spirit, whom they have forgotten, gives them rest; I will remind My children that My Compassion does not go by unmoved, for I am Father to them; I will make their heart sing for Me, and they will realise that outside My Sanctuary their table is empty; they will understand that outside My Sanctuary they will stifle with sorrow and burdens; outside My Arms they will face Destruction and Death; your generation is privileged to hear My Voice; I have opened My Mouth to speak and instruct the uninstructed; I am determined to give you My Peace and save you; I am determined to let you know I am Father and you – My seed; today, the twigs of the fig tree are supple and its leaves are coming out; do you still not recognise The Times? how is it that so many of you cannot read and understand the Scriptures? how is it that most of you lost your perception? have I not said: stay awake? My children, today My Kingdom is offered to you, do not pass by it without noticing it; do not let My Kingdom overtake you either; do not overlook My Love; come, I am always with you; October 11, 1993 Vassula of My Sacred Heart, write: I am present and near you; I will tell you all the things I want you to write; allow Me to use your hand, My dove; daughter from Egypt, overflow like a torrent with My Message, overflow countries, towns and inhabitants, shout and no one will silence you; advance with My Blessing, daughter; sweep vipers and adders1 away, I will let you escape with your own life from their venom; I will watch over you like a mother that watches over her babe; speak! and fear no one; tell them that the Prince of Peace, this God surrounded by cherubims, laid aside His crown and royal vestments to patrol the world barefoot and wearing sackcloth, 2 to manifest His grief; as I have treated you kindly and allotted you a place in My Sacred Heart so will I treat the rest of My children; from pagans I will raise loyal Levitical priests, and I will complete their journey with them; courage, daughter! blessed are those who love Me, heaven is their home, blessed those who rejoice over the sound of My Step, they shall rejoice within Me; as I have renewed your life, daughter, likewise I will renew all those who will invoke, sincerely, My Name; O God, You Yourself have chosen me out of the land of oblivion, to be Your bearer. By my name You have called me at Your service. Here I am Lord, Educator and Gentle Master, Holy Companion, Defender and Counsellor. Ah Lord, Your Mysteries You have not concealed nor Your Plans from me; leaving Your Glory and Your Crown aside, You stepped out of Heaven 1 ‘Vipers and adders’ are analogous to: wrong teachings, misinterpretations. 2Rv. 11:3.