True Life in God Messages

Notebook 68 True Life in God 709 in search of Mine; 1 I have healed and performed miracles on account of your ordeal; I have taken pleasure to offer your expiations to the Father in this way and with your atonement I gained the godless; ah .... My dear friend, I need your generosity to clean the unclean at the cost of all you have; My child, you have acquired souls by giving Me your favourite hours; 2 Vassula, it is not just through words that Unity among brothers will come, but through the action of the Holy Spirit; I have guided you to look for unity and live the unity I desire; I have preserved you from falling into temptation because I want you to be the living example of what Unity will be like; anyone who will look at you will see Unity according to the designs of My Heart; do not get discouraged by those who do not perceive My Plan in you; what I have given you as a gift is beyond the price of pearls, beyond the price of all the treasures of the world put together! ah, My Vassula, I, God, will not reprove you the unity you are living, but I will reprove the man who assaults you in your mission; his assaults on you are like a stone cast on the core of My Eyes .... I, the Most High, have raised you to be a model of unity; you3 are the first-fruits of Unity; I tell you: set My Messages as far and wide as possible; remember: Unity will come with humility and love; and now let your heart treasure what I have to say: to acquire unity I need expiations .... From me, Lord? 1His semi-silence towards me and His Presence after escaping me for several days. This semi-silence and His hiding was excruciating for my soul. 2 The hours of meditation and dictation in His Presence. The hours of His Company. 3 I and all those who live unity as I do. from you and anyone who is generous, am I not your first Love? Yes, You are Jesus. I am the One who would take you to your salvation so do not fear Me; I will give you enough strength to endure trials which are aimed on you to seize the Peace I have given you; My Peace will remain upon you, My angel, and like the sun rising over the sea, My Holy Face will be revealed now and then through you and on you4while you are caring My Interests; I shall manifest Myself in this manner too so that the islands, the mountains and every plain may believe that you are sent by the Most High and that I Am is the Author of ‘True Life in God’ and that you are My mouthpiece and therefore what I have told you is what you speak; he who rejects you rejects My Words; the devil has already put in the mind of your accusers to slander you, but leave everything into My Hands; serve Me loyally and forgive your accusers so that the Father and I are able to accomplish Our Work in you; live holy and carry out your work in peace; I, Jesus, love you and bless you from Heaven;  October 6, 1993 Vassula, My child, I, Yahweh, give you My Peace; keep your eyes fastened on Me and you shall live; look, are you willing to renew your vows of service and faithfulness to Me? 4Many times Jesus or our Blessed Mother efface me and Their Image appears to people, instead.