True Life in God Messages

708 True Life in God Notebook 68 leave an everlasting memory to those I have willingly revealed Myself; 1 I will show Myself to your society; I shall not conceal that I Am is the Author of True Life in God; this2 too is a gift from the Most High .... and you, My child, honour Me, your God, by going to the assemblies without fear to display My Greatness; utter the prophecies that I Myself have given you by My Command and I shall let them reach the four corners of the earth like lightning; be generous in giving Me your time and go where help is needed; never show partiality; go now in faith and be a witness for ever; I, the Lord, the Holy One, will converse with you always; in this way too, 3yes! come; September 29, 1993 (Feast of the Archangels) (Saint Michael gave me this message:) God is King of the whole earth and heaven, there is no one like Him! He is your salvation, your strength and your peace;in your distress He will stretch out His Hand to lift you and save you; God is Master of the Heavens and the earth, and there is no one like Him, no one you can compare Him with; I tell you: stay awake because no one knows the day when your Master is coming to you; the Almighty One will not prolong His decision; He shall come to you all in a Pillar of Fire and the light of His people will become a fire and your Holy One a Flame burning and devouring the 1When Jesus effaces me and reveals Himself during meetings or encounters. 2The fact that He shows Himself, appearing. 3When Jesus added after: “In this way too”, it was because I hesitated, not understanding whether His conversation will only be orally or also by written form. shrewdness of evil; 4 His Light will penetrate and pierce Darkness and those who could not see will see; He will destroy the proud of the present world; the remnant left will be His Own, it will be so scarce that even a child would be able to count it unless the Almighty One hears from the earth a cry of repentance! His sentence is just; remain in the Lord, Vassula, and He will give you strength; I will guard you; September 30, 1993 Lord, Holy and Faithful One, Your sound Teachings have given me Light. You are the Light of the world. Son of the Most High, You have educated me in the line of Your Elect without any merits. Blessed be Your Name! Most Holy One, be the Ruler of my life so that I may attain the perfection that pleases You. Govern me, reign over me and build Your Kingdom in me so that my soul becomes the perfect dwelling of Your Divinity and Your Holiness Amen ah! the crown of life will be given to the faithful; remain in Me and you will attain perfection and life! reduce your size even more now and avoid to look to your left or to your right; I will keep you company until the end of your race .... Vassula, I have revived the spirit of many while your spirit was 4Allusion to the Purification.