True Life in God Messages

Notebook 68 True Life in God 707 prudent not to neglect to mention that they1 should consecrate Russia to Our Two Hearts .... and the Triumph will come; I shall come to them to irrigate with My Spirit their dry land, this will not be without upheavals2 and sacrifice; I, the Lord, tell you that I take My Glory from every repenting heart; remain in Me and allow Me to accomplish My designs in you all; 3 I bless each one of you; ic; September 21, 1993 (Moscow) Lord, I ask if it is possible for You to dictate to me a Consecration to the Two Hearts, since You asked me to tell the Russians to consecrate their country to Your Two Hearts. Will You, Lord, do this so that I may send it to them? My child, hesitant4 you must not be with Me; yes, wholeheartedly, I shall give you one; write: designated in the prophecies of Your Word, O Lord, we know, we trust and we believe that the Triumph of Your Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary is in the near future; therefore, we humbly come to consecrate ourselves, our families and our country to Your Two Sacred Hearts; we believe that in consecrating our country to You, 1The Russians. 2 Four days after, on the 22nd, the crisis in Moscow was at its peak. 3Father O’Carroll, Father Rolf and I. 4 I had hesitated to ask Him. nation will not lift sword against nation and there will be no more training for war; we believe that in consecrating our country to Your Two Loving Hearts, all human pride and arrogance, all godlessness and hardening of the heart be effaced, and that every evil will be replaced with love and good things; we believe that Your Two Holy Hearts will not resist our sighs now and our needs, but in their Loving Flame will hear us and come to us to heal our deep wounds and bring us peace; O Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, blow on us a spark from Your Two Hearts to flare up our heart, make out of our nation the perfect Dwelling-Place of Your Holiness; abide in us and we in You so that through the Love of Your Two Hearts, we may find Peace, Unity and Conversion; amen; Vassula of My Passion, I am with you; Unique, Almighty, Steadfast, Faithful and True; the Amen is accompanying you; hear Me: sceptres and thrones have never impressed Me; this is why Wisdom favours the poor and the uninstructed; by means of your nothingness My Holy Countenance shall be revealed; I will