True Life in God Messages

706 True Life in God Notebook 67 pray and invoke Me; pray and chase away the devil; pray and restore My tottering House; come, My Eyes never leave you, be reassured My dove; September 3, 1993 (Copenhagen – Denmark) Lord? I Am; do not be afraid, I am the Guardian of your soul; Love is with you; remember it is not you who have chosen to be here; I have decided to send you to this nation to glorify Me; I have used My special souls to work and open a door to Sweden, Denmark and Holland; My Spirit the Giver of Life will pass through their cities and revive everyone; 1 I bless you all; ic; September 5, 1993 I thank You, Beloved Father for giving us Your Son, the Living Word, I thank You with all my heart loving and most tender of all Fathers. Your love for me has been so great, so manifest, that I would talk about Your Love wherever You send me. Send me to witness Your marvels in the land of oblivion, among the dead and in the vile depths of sin. Send me where every good is transformed into evil. 1That is: everyone the Holy Spirit touches. Send me where wretchedness kills slowly Your children. Send me where they repulse the sight of the Cross and reject Your Son’s Sacrifice. Send me in the graves to wake up with Your Word the putrefied. Send me to proclaim Your Faithfulness to the unfaithful and cry out to them to repent, and to tell them that: The Kingdom of God is at hand! My faithful servant, I, Yahweh, bless you; Heaven is your home; yes, be quick to be generous to the sinners, I will be glorified; let their heart out of rock be shattered with My Word and I will replace it, giving them a heart of flesh .... go and witness, My child, and all will be well; 2 listen not to him; I have risen you for My Glory! I love you eternally; Vassula, do not get discouraged; My Word will penetrate hearts and revive them; I, Yahweh, will continue to pour out My Teachings on you; come; September 18, 1993 (Moscow – Russia’s Crisis.) Lord? I Am; peace be with you; remember, My Vassula, it is I who lead; you need not fear because your step is guided by Me; nevertheless be 2 I heard Satan shouting: “Accursed you are!”