True Life in God Messages

Notebook 67 True Life in God 705 I will share this extra mile with you, anointed by My Hand, model your conduct on Mine and learn from Me; so dear to Me; bear in this last mile, My Cross; I am most powerful and My Strength will be poured in you in this last mile, and my Light will continue to shine in you so that you may glorify Me; never get exhausted in your encounters with Me; you have seen nothing yet of My Mysteries, so do not be awed whenever I come to you in this way visiting you .... July 14, 1993 (For the group in Rhodos.) My beloved, learn that I am gentle and humble at heart; pray for your priests; 1 My Will is that you work in the Light of My Spirit; caress Me with love; glorify Me and beware of your lips; let peace be among you; love is a gift; I have given you the gift of My Love; love Me and love one another; be one and remain one! I bless you all; we, us?  July 28, 1993 (After the Athenian meeting, many returned to God. People came also from the neighbouring islands, to hear. – This meeting also raised the devil’s voice, therefore we also heard a few calumnies. This did not take away the joy and the peace we had received.) My child, always remember that I am near you, and even more in your 1The Orthodox Metropolitans who are quarrelling. problems; I am near you in your problems, your joys and in every event I Am; surrounded by My angels I come to you to visit you; I love you; My child, be blessed and do not fear from the proud, leave them to Me but you pray for them, they are also My children and they too have to be saved; do not imagine that I am not aware of the demands of the mission I have given you; but beside you I Am to hearten you .... remember My Presence;  August 8, 1993 My child, I, the Lord, bless you; I love you, remember always this; say this with Me: Jesus my only love, I pray for those whom You love but know not how to love You, may they be purified and healed so that they too be exempt from all evil; amen; learn this prayer and say it after each decade in your rosary; ic; August 10, 1993 My Peace I give to you; continue vigorously at My Pace and believe Me, nothing and no one shall come between you and Me; nothing and no one shall stop My Message from proceeding; seed everywhere; and Vassula, My daughter, My weapon I have placed in you, and that is: PRAYER;