True Life in God Messages

662 True Life in God Notebook 63 December 13, 1992 Our Father, who art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name .... Our Father, whose love is revealed to the least of us, have mercy on Your creation! You have given us as a free gift: our liberty, to use as we please, but we have turned our liberty against us. Like a razor-blade in an infant’s hand, we use it, hacking ourselves to death ... O come! and turn our attention to Your Holy Name, or we will slice ourselves to pieces! I invoke You, God Almighty, in our troubles, will You rescue us, or will You hide from my petition? daughter, you are in charge of My Message, and I have been sending you in the world from nation to nation to cry out repentance and reduce this wilderness; indeed, the crowds throng around you; it has come to their ear that I Am is speaking, and nation after nation is talking about you; they say to each other: “let us go and hear what God is saying;” they come in thousands and sit down in front of you and listen to your words, but who acts on them? as far as they are concerned, you are like a love song beautifully sung to music; your words enchant them, but who among them puts My Messages into practice? have they understood the words: reconciliation, peace, love and unity? when brimstone and devouring flames will take place – and they are very near you now – they will learn that I had sent a prophet among them; from the beginning I had given you My Commandments; I had asked you to love Me, your Lord, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind; today I am asking you to allow Me to touch your soul so that your heart will be able to praise Me and tell Me that neither death nor life, no angel, no prince, nothing that exists, nothing still to come, not any power, or height or depth, nor any created thing, will ever come between you and your love to Me; I am your Stronghold; know that My Love is revealed even to the very least of you; do not search your salvation in the light of the world, since you know that the world cannot give you Life; soon My Throne and of the Lamb will be in its place and your soul will be renewed with My Transcendent Light, because I, your Father, intend to restore the memory of your soul and make your heart sing to Me the word, Abba – Father! I tell you, you do not belong to the world, so why do you still allow yourselves to be deceived over and over again? – since the foundations of the earth I have called you by your name but when I proposed Peace, universal Peace, nearly all of you were for war; yet I am pouring out My Holy Spirit now to remind you of your true foundations and that all of you are My seed; but today My seed is filled up with dead words .... I am the Holy One who held you first; for how long will your soul resist Those Eyes who saw you first? and for how long will your soul deny My distressed calls? many of you are still fondling the Abomination of the Desolation in the most profound domain of your soul; can you not see how the Viper repeatedly is deceiving you in the same way he deceived Adam and Eve? Satan is suggesting to you, untiringly and subtly, to cut off all your heavenly bonds that bond you to Me, your Father in heaven; he mesmerised the memory of your soul to make you believe you are fatherless, thus creating a gulf between you and Me, your God; Satan wants to separate you from Me and cut off your umbilical cord that unites you to Me in which Rivers of Life flow into you;