True Life in God Messages

660 True Life in God Notebook 63 December 3, 1992 (Before my mission in Australia –) look at Me! receive the One who loves you most! My lamb, I am with you and My Word will be brought into your mouth and It shall cut and pierce their hearts; good and bad will hear you; you will preach and teach the Knowledge I Myself have given you through these years; perseverance? is that what you need, child? Yes, my Lord! I will keep you company to revive your soul; My presence will encourage your heart and you will persevere; we are partners, are we not? We are! then do not be afraid; I and you, you and I, and the power of My Holy Spirit will lift you and will whisper and remind you the sound Teachings I have given you; do not fear, I have never failed you; I will give you an eloquence of speech to give honour to your King;  (Later on:) Christ, You are the theme of my praise in our assemblies. I have treasured the instructions You have given me from Your Lips. I invoke You now Sacred Heart to help me display the Fathomless Tenderness, the Love of the Almighty God, Our Father, the delicacy of Your Own Sacred Heart and the Infinite Riches of Your Spirit. I tore the Heavens and came down into your room; so now join in the saints’ choir and sing with your whole heart, yes, wholeheartedly; My glory will be shared with the innocent souls, the poor and those who united their hearts to Mine; I will display My Love and show everyone that greater love than Mine you will not meet; see what you have? Love Himself comes to your room to speak to you; you have seen Me face to face; I, Jesus, bless you from the core of My Heart; – feel loved – I, Jesus Christ, am resurrected and alive and am near you, now .... ic; December 7, 1992 (Australia) (Just before the meeting, God our Father gave me this message.) write: tell them that I am the Most Tender Father; tell them how I lean to reach them, now; Love and Loyalty now descend to embrace all of you, to renew you, to revive you, and lift you up from the lethargy that covers this earth; do not say I am too far to reach, unmoved by your misery and unresponsive to your calls; if the flames lick up your countries and fires devour the people of the earth it is all due to the great apostasy that seized nation after nation infiltrating in the heart of My Law; this apostasy beggared you and made you believe you are fatherless .... how I pity you! O generation, for how long must I wait? My warnings and My calls echo the earth and though My grief is acute and My Justice now brimming over, I can still relent and I can accept the homage you would offer Me; I am ready to forgive you through the Blood shed by My Son and through His Sacrifice, if you take My Words to heart;