True Life in God Messages

Notebook 63 True Life in God 659 (Our Blessed Mother gives a message to the Filipinos.) like a Mother, I come to ask you to listen to your Father; hear Him and do whatever He asks you to do; I have shown you the Wounds of Our Hearts in a special way; I shall remain with you in this way for only a short time now, but I shall not leave you, you who are the Shepherd’s lambs, without making sure that you have shelter and pasture; the world again misjudged the Times and cannot recognise the Signs either; the world does not listen to Our Two Hearts, nor understand Them, they are rejecting Us .... but the hour is near when a Light will shine from above and Our Two Hearts, like Two Lamps shining near each other, will revive this world, bringing it from darkness to light; those Two Hearts the world combated will prevail in the end! and the kingdoms of the world will pass away and will be replaced by My Son’s Kingdom .... this is all very near you now! when you leave from here, 1 leave with the Lord’s peace and My peace; December 1, 1992 Your word is my delight, my Life and my hope. What have You found in my wicked heart to establish Your Throne inside it? Day and night You show Your favours to me. I have established My Throne inside your heart to save you and to deliver you; I have established My Throne inside your heart to reign over you; I have established My Throne inside your heart to endow you with My Spirit; 1The Church we were in. your poverty enchanted Me, your misery attracted Me; if such favour is shown to the wicked, will I not much more favour the righteous, oh men of little faith? I am the First and the Last, the Beginning and the end; December 2, 1992 Show me the Light of Your Holy Face, raise my soul to the heights and let me see You! compensate Me then and evangelise with love for Love; every word you will utter for the glory of My Holy Name, will be blessed so that like a dove it will flutter and reach where it will make its home; ic, 2Jesus; compensate Me and give Me your time, your mind, your hand and your heart to use for My Glory; then watch My Lips, touch My Heart and write; never let go of the hem of My clothes! (Just when Jesus signed and sealed this message, He said to me in a whisper: “Sarajevo3 shall perish” .) 2 "ic" are initials found on Greek icons where Jesus is portrayed. IC is short for ‘Jesus’ (‘ICTHUS’). 3 Sarajevo is a city in ex-Yugoslavia. Three days after the Lord said this, on December 5, 1992, Sarajevo was attacked.