True Life in God Messages

Notebook 63 True Life in God 657 follow in My Footprints and do not look for honour or praise; if the world takes you for impostors know that you are genuine, for the first one the world took for an imposter was Me; love! and forgive! pray for those who plot incredible schemes against My Holy Spirit and do not judge them lest what is fatal for them, turns to be fatal on you; let Me correct them, let everything you do be planted in love; I shall provide you and fill you with consolations; every thorn in My Body will be removed in the end; Love will triumph; November 15, 1992 “If only my miseries could be weighed, and all my ills be put on the scales! But they outweigh the sands of the seas: what wonder then if my words are wild?” 1 I shiver with horror to think I might be wrong! Will I be found with blame in Your Presence, my God? Yet I have taken root in You, I saw You standing there, silent, with Your Hand outstretched as someone expecting alms, then I heard a Voice, 2 a Name3was given me and my soul succumbed into My Father’s Arms. O God! How I love You! My child, My child .... how I, the Lord, love you! I love you to tears .... cease listening to the evil one who tries to destroy all the good things I have given you; 1Jb. 6:2-3. 2The Voice of the Father. 3Yahweh. have faith in My Love, I will never fail you4 .... never5 ... so have My Peace, this Peace I have given you and know, My child, that greater love than Mine you will never meet .... ah, My child, cling on the hem of My robe; I am here and with you; November 19, 1992 Your auxiliary slave is at Your Service. Vassula of My Sacred Heart, beloved of My Soul, come to Me; when persecuted enter My Sacred Heart and taste My Love; among many, I have chosen you to follow Me into the Path that leads to Unity; I have made you My pupil and not only have I become your Educator and Teacher but I have become your Spouse; with Me you will lack nothing, beloved; Do You want me in dictation, Lord? every minute of your life! every single minute of your life, be with Me! in prayer, in dictation, in meditation, in receiving Me in the Holy Eucharist, at the hours of adoration, prove your love to Me! prove your thirst for Me, prove your faithfulness by remaining united in love with My Heart; be steadfast, dependable on My Strength and always look forward to meeting Me; ah, little one, have you not understood? have you not noticed the greatness of the Love I have for you, and My friendship? ... and now, while you are still here, join your prayers with these of the saints and remember, I know perfectly well what you have in your heart; I know your 4He said these words almost as a whisper. 5He whispered this word.