True Life in God Messages

Notebook 62 True Life in God 651 another in the heart; unity will be in the heart; October 15, 1992 (Our Blessed Mother speaks.) (I had joined the Pilgrims that were going to Poland, Czechoslovakia, Russia and Rome.) peace be with you, My Vassula; remember, I am leading this pilgrimage; all I ask from you is to listen to Jesus all that comes your way, let it come; allow Jesus to work and speak through you; little one, you have not yet understood how much Jesus loves you; bless Him; My Heart truly is united to His and in the end Our Two Hearts shall triumph; we, us? Yes! Glory be to God! October 16, 1992 (Russia – Moscow) Lord, Almighty, blessed be Your Name; Now, this very day, Your Word is being accomplished. In 1987, You said “ go to your sister, Russia ”, here I am, at her feet. You said, “ love her as I love her; ” I am here to love her and if You want me to serve her, I will do it. Just utter Your command. 1 .... treasure what I have said to you; realise that My Plan for Russia is great; realise that I will use you for My Glory; My child, have My Peace; with you I Am; 1Here the Lord gave me His order, but it should not be known to the others and to no one yet. October 18, 1992 (Russia – Moscow) Shepherd of humanity, overthrow all kingdoms that do not call on Your Name! Shepherd, You who lead us with loving care back into the Fold, Your anxious glances do not escape me, the swifter sound of Your Heartbeats have left in my own heart traces of sorrow. No, Lord, my ears are not deaf to Your secret Sighs of grief, leaving my own breath weak. Shepherd, the eyes of my soul are witnessing today something never seen before; no, do not hold Your Head sideways, it is of no use hiding Your distress from me, You have set me too close to Your Heart not to notice Your movements .... and the Branch of the Vine absorbed the sap from the Vine .... beneath My skin I have placed you; 2 the heavens will wear away before My creation wakes .... see how My Passion for mankind reduced Me to? Can I be of any use to You, my Shepherd? you will pray, you will fast for My Sake, and your footsteps should follow close to Mine; pray that the Father’s Hand does not fall at an hour when dreams muster the mind of this generation; My Lord, my spirit absorbs Your grief, come I beg You, let my heart 2Expression that means that I am in God.