True Life in God Messages

648 True Life in God Notebook 62 holding the rarest essences of virtues, a sealed fountain, the loveliest of Women, bathed in purity because of Her unique perfection; My Spirit came upon Her and covered Her with His shadow and glorified Me making Her the Mother of God, the Mother of all humanity and the Queen of Heaven; 1 such is the Richness of My Holy Spirit .... I am showering on all of you My Holy Spirit, now .... today .... I, Yahweh, the Almighty, am telling you: I am giving you all this free gift to save you out of the greatness of the Love I have for you; Love and Loyalty now descend; I, Yahweh, lean down from heaven to embrace all of you, My saving help is offered from above to you; are you willing to comply with My given Law? are you willing to entrust Me with your soul? do not say I am unmoved by your misery and unresponsive to your prayers; if the flames lick up your countries and fires devour your people and if the inhabitants of the earth taste the disgrace of death it is all due to your great apostasy; you have shunned from My Holy Spirit, He who would have clothed you in blessings, He who would have made your heart and flesh leap and sing for joy to Me, your God; but you preferred to become homeless, beggared and fatherless and today dwindling away in the shadows of death; how I pity you .... O generation! how much longer can you defy Me? My Love fills the earth, My calls fill the mouths of My envoys and though My grief is acute and My Justice is now brimming over I can still relent and I can accept the homage you would offer Me; I am ready to forgive you through the 1 I want to note that when the Father was dictating to me this passage concerning Our Blessed Mother, if He were not God, I would have said He was exalted, so much was His Joy. Blood shed by My Son and through His Sacrifice if you take My Words to heart; soon, very soon now, My Holy Spirit will blow on you with such force, making a mighty sound ring out at the four corners of the earth, as a reminder before all the inhabitants of the earth; then immediately at the sound of My Holy Spirit’s Breath, the people of the earth all together would fall on their face to the ground in adoration of Me, the Lord, the Almighty, the Most High, and in the end the people would bow low before the Throne of the Lamb and receive the Blessing from the Throne; and now, I who created you and I who formed you, ask you: will I deign to hear your cry of repentance? October 6, 1992 Lord, when Your words came to me, I devoured them. You have given me this celestial Manna to keep me alive and every Word You utter is my delight and the saving evidence of Your Love. Your Word is the joy of my soul, the cup of my consolation and the ravishments of my heart. The world has inherited nothing but Deceptiveness, but Your Word from Your Mouth disinherited the world and all that is within it. Remember how I stood in Your Presence unlawful and naked? and yet instead of decreeing a disaster for my appalling and despicable behaviour, Your utterance pierced these layers of thick dark clouds, and as a king conquering a city, You conquered me placing Your glorious Throne in me.