True Life in God Messages

Notebook 62 True Life in God 647 persecutes them just as your ancestors used to do? out of My Infinite Mercy a City is being rebuilt for My Own people; will this City renewed be rebuilt on the blood of those you will eternally persecute? today more than ever I am sending you My Holy Spirit to renew you, yet for how long will this generation keep resisting My Holy Spirit? tell Me, can a body live without a heart? learn that My Holy Spirit is the Heart of the Body which is the Church; learn that My Holy Spirit is the Breath of the Church, the Essence of zeal for Me, your God; My Holy Spirit is the sweet Manna of Heaven, nourishing the poor; happy the man who opens his heart to My Holy Spirit, he will be like a tree along a river, yielding new fruit every season, with leaves that never wither but are medicinal; happy the man who opens his heart to My Holy Spirit, like a crystal clear stream My Spirit shall flow like a river in his heart, renewing him, for wherever this river flows, life springs up, and joy! have you not read: the River of Life, rising from My Throne and from the Lamb will flow down in the middle of the city street? My Holy Spirit will shy away from malicious souls, but will show Himself openly to the innocent, to the poor and to the simple; with great joy My Holy Spirit will envelop these souls and become their Holy Companion and their Guide; and as they walk, their going will be unhindered; as they run, they will not stumble; and should they drink deadly poison they will remain unharmed; should they meet a legion of demons on their route, they will go by unscathed; My Holy Spirit will teach them the sweetness that exhales from Me, the depths of My Eternal Love; My Holy Spirit will take the innocent and make a pact of Love and Peace with them, to become fit and become His partner; My Holy Spirit will lift them and carry them, like a bridegroom carrying his bride across the threshold; He too will carry them behind the walls of the sanctuary where lie fathomless riches and mysteries, mysteries that no eye had seen before; and like a Spouse adorning His Bride with jewels He too will adorn them with imperial knowledge to delight in throne and sceptre; O what will My Holy Spirit not do for you! My Holy Spirit is the zest of your life, the Royal Crown of Splendour, the Diadem of Beauty from My Mouth, the radiant Glory of the Living One, the Secret Revelation of your creation; My Holy Spirit is the flavour of your homilies in My Assemblies and the fulfilment of your Times .... He is the Flaming Fire of your heart and the perception of My Mysteries; My Holy Spirit is the theme of your praises to Me, revealing to your heart that I Am Who I Am, revealing to your spirit that I am your Abba, and that you are My offspring, and My seed .... blessed be the pure in heart, they shall see Me; rejoice and be glad and open up to receive My Holy Spirit so that you too may delight and hear My Voice! open your hearts and you shall see My Glory, and like a child needing comfort, My Holy Spirit will comfort you, whose love for you surpasses any human love; I, the Creator of the heavens and earth, tell you My Holy Spirit is the Spouse of the Bride, of She who held the Infant Who was to save you and redeem you, and in Whom through His Blood you would gain freedom and forgiveness of your sins; He is the Spouse of the One Whom He found like a garden enclosed,