True Life in God Messages

646 True Life in God Notebook 62 October 1, 1992 Lord, let Your Holy Face smile again on Your desolate properties; 1 do not delay, reveal Your Glory now! Many are putting obstacles to obstruct Your messages, come! My beloved, when your pleading began, a word was uttered and I have come to tell you what it is; do you believe that I am the beloved Son of God, Jesus Christ, speaking to you? Yes, Lord, I believe! would I not then see Justice done to you, My chosen one, who supplicate Me day and night? these people are challenging My Power; when the measure of their iniquities is full, they will have to face Me as the Judge; meanwhile, devote yourself to My Sacred Heart; serve and do not wait to be served so that My Father in Heaven allots you a place in heaven; in being faithful to Me you will undergo great persecutions, but have I not promised you that you will no longer be hungry or thirsty? 2 so do not be afraid when the tempests rise against you; Scriptures have to be accomplished; happy are you who die in Me, the Lord! I shall indeed reward you;  October 5, 1992 Father, once, before Your Majesty revived the memory of my poor soul, I had forgotten who had made me. The next moment You restored my memory 1Us. 2Allusion to Rv. 7:9-17. You asked me to lift up my eyes to the heavens, then a ray of Light shone on me and like a consuming fire, Your Spirit rested on me. True Light, Inexhaustible Treasure, You are awe-inspiring, and stupendously Great! How can I not thank and praise You, most Tender Father, for resting Your Spirit on my wretched soul and making Your Spirit one with me? peace be with you; it is I, Yahweh, your Eternal Father, the One who taught you with Wisdom; I am the Holy One who approached you in your misery and healed you; I spoke to you in your sleep and from thereon, the scales of your eyes having dropped, you have seen the Light; I have taught you, daughter, not to fear Me, but to fear Me only when you reject Me and rebel against Me; I have taught you to dwell in confidence in My Presence, showing you My Infinite Tenderness and the Fatherly Love I have for each one of you; I Myself have plucked your sins by the roots and in their place, with the space given Me, I planted My graces in you; although your soul leaped like on fire I had to continue My route in your soul and overthrow all the rivals who kept house with you; in My Jealous Love, I replaced those rivals with abundant fruit and henceforth I became your table-companion, your delight! listen now, My daughter, My Own, and write and tell My children this: from the depths of My Heart, I call to you all! blessed are the ones who have ears to hear; if it were not for My prophets, can you then name Me who foretold the coming of My Son? if you say you live by the Truth and in My Love, how is it then that your generation today cuts out My prophets and