True Life in God Messages

Notebook 62 True Life in God 645 your Master; I have set you as My Target for My arrows; no, Vassula, grace does not go without suffering; oh, what will I not do to My closest ones, to My dearest friends! 1 Then, allow me to take the words of Saint Theresa of Avila and tell You, “No wonder You have so few friends!” all men are weak .... nevertheless, I will reply to your comment and tell you: if your soul only knew what I am offering and doing to you, you would have been the one to ask Me for more trials, sufferings, crosses, the lot! – I discipline those I love so do not object to what seems good to Me; you are My jewel and like some precious stone, I cut, carve and form you into the shape I have in Mind; therefore, I tell you, as long as you have breath inside you, you must carry out the work I, Myself, have given you; as for those who call themselves Mine yet are offensive when it comes to spiritual matters, I tell them: “if you were blind you would not be guilty, but since you say, ‘we see and can tell’, your guilt remains!” how many times will I have to reproach them for their incredulity and obstinacy? come, be in Peace – I am with you for the rest of your journey;  September 28, 1992 Ah, My little pupil, I bless you; love Me and glorify Me, for I am three times Holy! 1Jesus was full of delight. September 29, 1992 Lord, our era is guilty of grave blasphemies and, ah, Lord .... say it! I cannot really see the dawn even of UNITY! yes? Maybe what You said Lord, the “soon”, it was not my “soon”, but Yours! Yours means very LONG, a very long wait! I shall come suddenly upon you, in a pillar of blazing Fire! a Fire that will change the face of this earth .... come, take courage, My child; every step you take I, the Lord, bless; if you have the world against you it is because you have seen My Glory; it is because I shared your meal side by side with you; it is because at your house I have entered to glorify My Name again .... have I then no right to be generous? are you reproaching Me because I am generous with your soul? have we not agreed that you will let Me free to do what I please with you? come, you are weak, offer Me your weakness and your wretchedness; ah, one more thing, unless a wheat grain falls on the ground and dies, it remains only a single grain, but, My Vassula, if it dies, it yields a rich harvest .... you are My adopted daughter, learn what I mean; let your thoughts, your desires, everything resemble Mine! so take up your cross and follow Me; I love you to folly so love My Cross too to folly; love Me to folly;