True Life in God Messages

644 True Life in God Notebook 62 nothing that exists, nothing still to come, not any power or height or depth, nor any created thing, will ever come to separate me from You; I vow to remain faithful to You, this is my solemn vow; help me keep this vow forever and ever; amen; .... up daughter and thresh! let your thoughts be My Thoughts; abandon yourself to Me so that all you do will be done in My Spirit and according to My Mind; allow My Spirit to breathe freely in you and I will accomplish My Will in you; happy are you, My child, who meditate and allow My Wisdom to be your personal Teacher! for She will reveal to you many more secrets; receive and give, give! September 25, 1992 Here I am, to pick up my steps over these endless ruins, with a load on my back. I come to You for consolation, for relief, and now the strength in me trickles away, and I am gnawed by grief that never sleeps. With immense effort I cross the terrors of this endless Night, enfeebled by the cynicism of these false witnesses who plague my innocence all day long. It was Your pleasure to give me the key on matters my soul could have never understood alone, on marvels beyond me and my knowledge, and for this reason they hound my innocence. There, in every obscure corner, they await for an opportunity to plunder my life if that were possible. They call themselves Your people, thinking their mouth is heaven, but what they proffer is false, fallacious and misleading. I am trying to be bold and show a bold face around but they are constantly gnawing on me. The godless have more charity and humility than those who claim they follow Your Law but never stop judging and have not the least hesitation to condemn, bringing misery crashing down on me. Were they godless who judge me, I could put up with that, but THEY, who call themselves Your people! People of God! to whom baptism bounds us together in Your House .... I complain, but have I not the right to unload my burden onto You Lord now and then? Yes, I know I sound and I look like a walking Lamentations Book, but I live my life in innocence, so relieve me for just a while, Lord! Vassula .... do not fret and wail bitterly while being nailed on My Cross, take Me as an example of dignity; soon the darnel will be pulled up from the wheat before any one of you realises; I have rescued you many times from the snares of your enemies who hoped to destroy you; then, daughter, why do you fear the terrors of the Night? I am only combating inside you .... leave Me alone when I am on My way to the inner room of your soul: My Dwelling Place; I have told you before that your soul will leap like on fire every time My Hand falls, shattering My rivals that take My place; I am Master and intend to remain