True Life in God Messages

Notebook 62 True Life in God 643 you are still not knowing where you are going because it is too dark to see; I have come to you to offer you a free Gift: the Gift of My Love, but Love again was misunderstood, rejected and alien in your heart; in spite of all My Pleas to reconcile you and unite you, you go on sinning; how can I forgive your sins when you are repeatedly repressing My Words? you hear My Voice but you no longer recognise It; unless you allow Me to uproot all that is not Me in your heart, you will never see how today My Holy Spirit seeks in you more than any time: reconciliation and unity; I have shown you how to unite; unity will be in your heart; reconciliation will be in the heart and not by a signed treaty! how can any man claim he is just when your countries are at war and aflame! learn that My Sacred Heart seeks from you: charity, generosity, prayer, and a spirit of reconciliation, and to love one another as I love you; will I hear from you, your cry of surrender and of repentance? September 17, 1992 (Messages for those working for these messages:) My child, trust Me; you are unable to lift your little finger on your own; all power comes from Me; reward Me now and offer Me your will; I am waiting .... My WILL IS YOURS! I, Jesus, tell you: you enjoy My favour, for you are under My authority; tell all those whom My Heart selected that I shall never fail them; the Spouse will provide their needs; let everyone see in them true witnesses, let everyone know there is truth in them by their way of sharing; I am sending them out to face the world; they must abstain from carping criticism, so that their tongue does not kill them or divide them; not one of them has earned this grace, I, Jesus, offered them freely the grace, so no one should ask for money; the strong should support the weak, the rich the needy; as I have said, “there is more happiness in giving than receiving”; 1 I will give you enough to cover your expenses so do not ever put Me to the test; 2 be united in Me and among you, never give way to despair in your trials; do your best and I will do the rest! courage, pray so that you may not sink; reveal the Riches of My Sacred Heart and My Glory to the world; you want to be witnesses of the Most High? die then to yourself; you want to be one with Me? detach yourself from the world; you want to serve Love? follow My Footprints drenched in My Sacrificial Blood; 3 remember one last thing: to be set free from your human inclinations and weaknesses, ask My Spirit to help you; ask! and it shall be given to you; I am gentle and humble of heart and I know everything in your hearts, so ask My Spirit and My Spirit will come to your help; the Spirit now asks you to pray often this prayer: Jesus, neither death, nor life, no angel, no prince, 1Ac. 20:35. 2 Jesus means that no one should owe money to anybody or to any place. 3Here Jesus asks us for real sacrifice.