True Life in God Messages

Notebook 62 True Life in God 641 is why I shall not spare this generation; no one can say I have not warned them, no one can say I have not been patient; the earth soon will shake and with a roar the sky will vanish leaving everyone in total darkness and with great violence the elements of the earth, the mountains and islands will catch fire and wear out; every blade of grass will burn and in front of Me you will stand, disarmed, generation; the power is in your mouth to cry out to Me and repent; but you prefer to be homeless and err in sin, you prefer to live in deserts, Lord, I feel your Sacred Heart so grieved. You will tell me to feel sorry for my brothers and sisters instead. I do but I also feel sorrowful for Your sadness for Your Heart is lacerated. With Your Grace, my Lord, You can turn anyone acceptable in Your Eyes. You can make us ready to do Your Will. I, who am, as You said, the least of least, have been entrusted with this mission with Your Grace, why not others? I have been given a free gift, Your Grace, why can’t others receive it too? you are bold, Vassula, to inquire My Wisdom; 1 Perhaps I am bold, but it is because I know how Your Heart feels. It does not please You either, to punish us and abase us. everything that comes from earth returns to earth; 2 the sins of your generation have pierced all Eternity, they have pierced My Heart; pray and intercede, My Vassula, that there will be still time to mark as many as I can with My Seal before My Day; for good and bad will suffer in these days; 1Majestically Jesus pronounced these words. 2 I understood that we are self-destructing ourselves by our apostasy. September 10, 1992 Lord, my God! I am; little one, I am the Author of the Messages: ‘True Life in God’; they are My gift to you all; they are to make you understand My Heart and how I stand by you always and everywhere; September 11, 1992 peace be with you; daughter, what I shall ask from you today are the following: - deny yourself longer from food; - rest when you must and do not save your rosary for midnight! - go to confession more often; do not say yes and then not do it; it is better to say, “I will try to please you, Lord”! your King is aware of your capacity, the depth of your wretchedness and your amazing weakness; pupil, your Teacher will not deny you of His Light, He will give you enough Light to grow and follow the footprints of your Teacher and what awaited the Teacher will await the pupil; have I not said, “the disciple is not superior than his teacher, nor the slave to his master; it is enough for the disciple that he should grow to be like his teacher and the slave like his master; if they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, what will they not say of his household?”; 3 if My own relatives believed I was out of My Mind, 4 what would you not hear then from only your 3Mt. 10:24, 25. 4Mk. 3:21.