True Life in God Messages

640 True Life in God Notebook 61 I have sent you My Holy Spirit from above to rest on you and teach you what you have never heard of, to save you and millions of others; remain near Me, My sweet disciple, our journey is not yet over, we still have a mile to go to teach the rest of My children the knowledge of holy things; I shall deliver you to many nations to honour My Holy Name and on you will be written My Knowledge; I shall grant you to speak as I would wish you to speak; let now your heart rejoice and treasure what I have said to you, never fail Me; love Me and absorb Me; I am Love;  September 9, 1992 (Our Holy Mother.) peace be with you; tell My children of Russia that I Myself will train them spiritually; I am their Mother; I am the Woman of the Apocalypse; Russia, My daughter, be patient; the smell of death will not spread any more, indeed your sufferings are soon coming at an end, for the Lord in His Mercy will lift from you the shroud of death that had enveloped you so many years; your eyes, Russia, My daughter, are soon going to look on your King, your Saviour in all His Splendour, who is known by the Names: Faithful and True; your King is on His way of return; Russia, listen to Him: (Our Lord now speaks.) those who are far away will come and repent; they will rebuild My Church and I, for My part, will anoint each heart; and as someone roused from his sleep, Russia will rouse quivering with impatience to be consumed by Me; I will deliver you and place you as head of many nations; 1 foreigners will grow faint of heart upon seeing your beauty; your right hand will be in My Hand; I will lift you high above everyone else and I will perform My pleasure in you; your Maker with delight and great joy will display your beauty to His people, 2 to His angels and to all His saints; and the heavens will declare openly their joy; the vault of heaven will proclaim My glory at the four corners of the earth; Russia .... you were dead, and I had put sackcloth on to manifest My grief and like a father mourning his child, I went about dejected and sorrowing; now I have selected you among many nations to manifest My Glory through you; soon, your Holy Mother will topple Satan’s throne to the ground and crush the Serpent’s head; loss of children and widowhood at once will end; the dragon will be handed over to his fate and the world will have a period of peace; the Mother of all humanity will prevail in the end and I, the Lord your God, will triumph in every nation, in every heart and in every race; 3 (Later on:) My daughter, the world is offending Me daily, lacking reverence to My Holiness; they misuse the freedom I have given them by destroying themselves; this generation has become an unsightly blot in My Eyes; they repay evil with evil, this 1Spiritually I think. 2 Jesus had a happy Voice and His Face had a happiness. He appeared as a father lifting up in the air his child. 3 This last passage means that all the peoples of the world would recognise Jesus as the Christ. The Lamb. Allusion to Rv. 6:15-16.