True Life in God Messages

Notebook 61 True Life in God 637 August 23, 1992 (Locution very early that morning. I heard Jesus tell me after I had been praying to Him: “I am happy that you are taking time so early in the morning to talk to Me; tell them1 that My Heart is an Abyss of Love; tell them that they should not put Me to the test anymore;” And that they should read 1 Co. 14:26-32.) (Later on:) O Lord Jesus Christ, to Your most Sacred Heart I confide this intention: Help us and shepherd us, give us Your Peace, Son of the Eternal Father, lower us, so that Your Eyes, King of the Heavens, may look down from above, O Beloved Son of our Father, do not allow multitudes to be crushed, men are dying of corruption, speed Your Work, O Holy One of the Father, and may Your Return be hastened; You who are the Delight of the Father, do not allow the world anymore to defy the glorious Presence of Your Holy Spirit. My eyes are turned towards You, O Lord, and my heart takes its refuge in Your Sacred Heart to obtain Peace and Love, do not leave me defenceless! Amen. I have made you fearless of men; this is My doing; in My Day I shall have an answer for those who taunt Me now; as for you, My daughter, I find My delight in your nothingness; 1The group of Rhodos. the Son of your Father tells you: I shall continue to spread out My Messages, those who oppose Me will run into the Cornerstone and will be crushed; the Delight of the Father tells you: I am doing a great Work that no man can stop, and as for those who charged on you bitter accusations, I tell you: their hands will drop and their plans will not work out; My Heart is consumed with longing for your love, generation, and is ablaze like a burning Furnace; I love you all with all My Heart, with all My Heart I love you! behold, I will pour out My Love to you all to adorn your wretchedness; Lord, how is it the world has become so corrupt? have you not read: where there is no guidance, a people falls; 2 the mouth of the perverse brings forth no wisdom, yet he who perverts will be found out; nothing remains hidden in My Eyes; but in these days of Mercy, My Hand is still stretched out for anyone who will cry out repentance, they shall be rescued; Love is near you, My little loyal friend; the Amen blesses you, come and worship Me; I Am; August 26, 1992 (Greece - Island of Simi – Panormiti) (Panormiti is St. Michael.) (I went and stayed four days on a small island called Panormiti. Only very few houses are there with a predominating Monastery and Church of St. Michael. His 2Pr. 11:14.