True Life in God Messages

Notebook 61 True Life in God 635 in your tribulations; all the saints are with you; we, us? come;  (Later:) O Lord! Hear my prayer, listen to my cry for help, do not stay deaf to my crying. 1 faith, My child, have faith in Me and trust Me; sorrowful you must never be when persecuted; how long will it take you to understand Me? look, I Am is leading you and I am known to have overturned kings and whole kingdoms when these became an obstacle for My passage; I have exalted the lowly and overpowered the haughty; come, do not blame the proud, pray for them;  August 10, 1992 (The oppositions in Rhodos) O Lord, why is there so much obstinacy? O Lord, I am starting to learn that great names do not give wisdom; there was a time when I hoped for much from their mouths when they proclaim the words: UNITY and RECONCILIATION, but I do not even see the dawn of it either .... peace be with you; the sound of your bitterness did not escape Me; have I ever told you I will abandon you? No, Lord. so why do you worry? I created you for this mission; come, look at Me; you will always have good things to eat with Me and 1Ps. 39:12. your table will always be full when you are with Me; creature! I will lead you on the way that you must go; retreat into My Heart when you need to rest; do not lose your courage; Wisdom will instruct you; devote your time to Me and I will use you for My designs; I will use your mouth to be as sharp as a two-edged sword when you pronounce My Words; I intend to teach sound judgement to the ignorant; if you allow Me to use you I will carry out My Plan; until everything has been performed and has been carried out, My fervent desire of unity and reconciliation among you all will not diminish; I have put on paper through you how I desire you to unite; from the very beginning I have spoken clearly; Vassula, My child, have you not read, that even a small amount of yeast is enough to leaven all the dough? therefore, do not give Me any premature judgment; August 20, 1992 (Rhodos, Greece) dear and faithful child, while you are weak, I am King; here I am sending you back to your own to remind them of My principles; some of you have become mild and tepid for you have welcomed My words without trust when you gather together in My Name; woe to those who sell My Blood to honour their name! woe for those who are satisfied now and direct their lives by their natural inclinations and ignore My Spirit! woe to those who will become an obstacle to the door I Myself have thrown open to announce My Message; woe for those who believe they act wisely with the world, they are servants of the world, not Mine; they are slaves of the world and espoused to hypocrisy, corruption and all that My Heart abhors;