True Life in God Messages

634 True Life in God Notebook 61 since I have to face a people who say to the seers: “see no visions”, to the prophets: “do not prophesy the truth to us” and to Your predilected souls: “you are damned”. Have they not read, “every kingdom divided against itself is heading for ruin; and no town, no household, divided against itself can stand;” 1 And if it is through Satan thousands are being converted through Your Message ‘True Life in God’, a Message given by Your Spirit , a Message anointed from Your Mouth, through whom then do their holy priests convert? and so I tell you again and again, every one of men’s sins and blasphemies will be forgiven, but blasphemy against My Spirit will not be forgiven; anyone speaking against My Holy Spirit and he will not be forgiven, either in this world or in the next; 2 and you, do not let your heart be troubled, I am with you; come, My Vassula, I and you, you and I, together, see? have My Peace; we, us? come;  August 2, 1992 (Rhodos, Greece) Blessed be the Lord, my Rock, who trains me as His personal pupil. Vassula, love Me and propound My Love; this is your Lord speaking, the One whom you say you love; I bless you, My child;  1Mt. 12:25. 2Mt. 12:31-32. August 6, 1992 (Rhodos, Greece) (I have been asked to witness on the T.V.) My friend, My little friend, do not hesitate; announce My Message and feel confident; I Am is with you; seek the Riches of My Sacred Heart and promulgate My fragrance; My Heart is an Abyss of Love, have My Peace and receive My Spirit; honour Me and glorify Me;  August 9, 1992 (Rhodos, Greece) (After a rain of persecutions after I had spoken on the T.V., calumnies and blockages. Many conversions and repentances were made during the program. But then a fire was lit by a monk, who combats the Lord’s message.) Vassula, My Call has awakened many dead hearts; I shall speak for the sake of all those who are standing around you: remain in Me more than ever and do not fear; so much have I written to you about My Love; whoever keeps faithful to Me will not be uprooted by the tempests, but he who would leave the world to overcome him will lose My Heart; the Spirit has anointed these Messages, the Spirit is Truth, therefore, no one will be able to obstruct the Truth; I have levelled a path for you, so pray that you may proclaim My Message as clearly as you ought to; take My Hand and walk with Me; dearest soul, I Am is your Holy Companion; all I have to say for now is: courage, be blessed, and be united; pray