True Life in God Messages

Notebook 61 True Life in God 633 Your Cross. This is all I need. I do not deserve that the King of kings so lovingly looks down at me from heaven. Vassula, do not make Me change My Mind about your singleness of heart, 1 for carrying out the task I so favourably offered you, your spirit ought to be united with My Spirit, your heart with My Heart and in this perfect union you will be able to be My Echo; look! courage, daughter! your Loved One is coming soon, to end up the sorrows and laments of this earth; listen, daughter, have I deprived you of anything? No, Lord, You have done only the opposite: You filled my mouth with Celestial Manna, You nourished my soul, You have done great things for me. yes! I have offered you a full table; I have offered you My House, My Heart and Myself; I have offered you to live with Me, in My Light; I have offered you, from the Palm of My Hand, My Celestial Manna; I have offered you, while crossing this desert, part of My Cloak; to keep you alive I have offered you to eat My Body and drink My Blood; I have accustomed your steps to walk in My Steps; I have instituted in you My favours and the Riches of My Sacred Heart; I have held back legions of demons who were ready to tear you apart; like a Warrior I fought and defended your cause from the Deceiver; I have poured on you and on your household My blessings; I have restored your house2 from ruin and death; I have so lovingly pressed your lips on My Wounds and shared My Cup with you; and like a Spouse offering His matrimonial bed I have offered you My Cross, My Thorned Crown and My Nails 1This was a reproach from Jesus. 2That is: "restored your soul". to sanctify you; what more could I have done to you that I have not done? .... Vassiliki, 3 do not give in to the promptings of your nature lest you lose your fruits and are left like a withered tree; I have courted you, Vassiliki, with all My Soul and with all My Soul I intend to keep you forever Mine, yet I will from now on demand much more from you than before; if you do not stand according to the demands of My Sacred Heart you will face double your crosses; remember, you owe your life to Me and your salvation too; keep your distance from the world that has got everything but Me; may the Strength you receive from Me open your mouth and proclaim My marvels, may every race in the world hear My Message; I shall sow everywhere and in each country, I shall cultivate your deserts and the sound of My Footsteps will be heard by all the inhabitants of the earth, to the far ends of the world; daughter, treat Me tenderly and I shall offer your soul delights and consolations to appease your thirst; get up at midnight now and then to praise Me and thank Me for the favours and the blessings I so lavishly poured on you; you are dear to Me, look on My right side and see who is with Me .... yes, your advocate and your Mother, guarding you from peril and from threats; like a lamp shining on the sacred lamp-stand; 4 She shows you the Way to Me; July 28, 1992 (On my way to Rhodos, Greece) Lord, fortify Your city5against siege, fortify Your sanctuary 3Jesus gravely called out my official name of birth. 4Si. 26:17. 5That is: fortify my soul.