True Life in God Messages

632 True Life in God Notebook 61 You are the Holy One who decides, You are Omnipotent so where else would I go? yet you are free to choose; even if you turn to be unfaithful, I am always faithful; come, write: I reprove the man who behaves like a stranger to Me; I will set My Throne in your hearts to honour My Holy Name and I will shine My Magnificence in your little hearts; the time is almost up now, I am coming to your help, I am coming to your oppressed, by the road that I came on I will return; I will enter My City in Glory; I am coming; therefore, be ready to welcome Me; O children! I am calling you! My cries go out to all of you and the foundations of the earth are shaken from My Calls; how long do you intend to sleep? when are you going to rise from your lethargy and apathy? disaster is at your very doors and will overtake you in your sleep, suddenly, irretrievably; and you will still remain unaware? but look, look Who is leaning all the way to you, knocking at the very doors of your heart; open to Me, My own, for My Sacred Heart is lacerated for lack of love, My Lips parched and with blisters for lack of Love; open to your Holy One and console Him as He will console you; I am at your doors, do not refuse to accept Me ..... if you allow Me to enter your heart I shall make a fountain spring inside you because your soul would have acknowledged Me as your Saviour; I will water your so pitiable desolation and like a branch of the Vine you will flourish and bear fruit; come, daughter; I, Jesus, bless you for allowing Me to use your hand;  July 23, 1992 Jesus? I Am; love Me more; Vassula, are you prepared? the Spouse then will continue engraving in you His Work; you and I are united in My Love, are you aware of this? Your Breath blows on me telling me that I am counted as one of Your children, although my spirit, still weak and uncomprehending, remains perplexed at Your choice. creature, your Creator is with you incessantly; do not reach out for anything else but Me, I am with you; creature? your whole life should revolve around Me, your life is in My Hands and you are nothing but a speck of dust; desire Me; today I made you taste the sweetness of My Love and the warmth of My Heart; dearest soul, enter into this Heart that loves you and R-E-M-A-I-N there; July 27, 1992 Vassula, My wretched bride, I had foreseen all your failures and your weaknesses well before you were born; I knew all along that the one I had set My Mind on to cast out in the corruption of the world to be My Net, would wriggle and twist in My Hands; I knew how the devil would place crafty traps to trap she whom My Heart loves, therefore, do not be astonished and do not think that I am astonished either .... do you still want to continue bearing My Cross I so lovingly offered you? Yes, I do. Do not hide Your Face from me nor Your Cross. Your Holy Face looking on me will give me the strength I need to carry