True Life in God Messages

Notebook 61 True Life in God 631 shrewdness of your generation shall be shrouded; My Heart is with you; daughter, you will continue witnessing and being My Echo to this apostatised generation who are on the point of collapse, you will be My ambassador for My Affairs; I will, My child, carry you on My Shoulders in the heart of a nation who preferred to trust in wile and guile than in the Breath of My Holy Spirit; I will send you now to these who have taken Me, the Holy One, out of their sight; I will bring them a conversion and a salvation such as was never heard of before nor seen before; I will rescue this nation, spare it and save it; in that day the song they shall sing to Me will be like that on a wedding night; I will send you to them1as a pilgrim; “I will make the blind walk along the road and lead them along paths; I will turn darkness into Light before them and rocky places into level tracks; these things I will do, and not leave them undone.” 2 I will come to save them; July 22, 1992 Lord, so long as we remain unreconciled we continue to desecrate Your Holy Church, and slowly but steadily continue to reduce our souls to a pile of ruins. Are we truly seeking You when we talk about UNITY? When are You going to intervene and bring us back to our senses to seek You earnestly? Are we using our tongues to lie 1 I immediately realised then that Christ meant Russia. I was invited to go as a pilgrim. 2 Is. 42:16. outright to You, pretending only we want to UNITE? How long will we defy You and You will not intervene? We are repeatedly challenging You, when are You going to challenge us? pupil, repeat after Me this prayer: God, You who are full of Compassion, let Your Face smile on us to unite us, look down from heaven, look at our division that reigns now in Your Church, Your lambs, My Shepherd, are perishing in great numbers as they search to pasture to keep life in them; listen to the groans of the Church; this great Apostasy predicted is robbing You of Your children, bring to Your Church this Day of Glory You once foretold so that we may all be one, Lord, do not remain silent and do not delay any more, come! come, bring to us the Day once foretold, make everyone hear Your Majestic Voice; You are known to be Gracious, My God, give me a hearing and answer me ..... I give You thanks for I know that You have heard me; amen; yes, My Vassula, trust Me wholeheartedly; put all your faith in Me, I shall never fail you .... 3pronounce what you have to pronounce! Lord, where else could I put my faith and my trust? 3Jesus looked at me gravely and said what followed.