True Life in God Messages

Notebook 60 True Life in God 629 Deceiver; ...... 1 yes, Vassula, a harsh vision has been shown you; I tell you: I will soon come with My saints to pronounce judgement on the world and to sentence the guilty; today My Grace is being revealed to all mankind to renew you all with My Holy Spirit before My Day and remind you of My Law; I will in that Day repay everyone according to what he deserves; I have said that I will severely punish anyone who insults the Spirit of Grace and treats My Spirit as foolish; that is why you should stay awake; today more than ever before, I am asking you all to consecrate yourselves, your families and your nations to Our Two Hearts; allow Me to seal your forehead with the seal of My Holy Spirit; the Time of sorting has come, the time of reckoning is here; I said to everyone that I shall come as a thief upon you, when I return no one will be suspecting anything; then, of two men, one will be taken, one left; of two women, one will be taken, one left; the Harvest is almost ready to be reaped and countless corpses will be left when I say: “I Am here!” then I will say to My angel: 2 “the hour has come to sort out and pull out all who are not Mine; sort out from those who acknowledged Me, all those who have not willed to comply with My Law; sort out from those who allowed and welcomed My Holy Spirit to be their Guide and their Torch, all those who rebelled in their apostasy against Me; 3 1 I was here given a vision of this multitude of fallen angels standing in front of God’s Throne in the Day of Judgement. It was awesome, and sad. 2Allusion to the parable of the darnel: Mt. 13:24-30. 3 This passage confirms St Paul's prophecy in 2 Th. 2:1-12. The two foretelling signs of the end of times: The Great Revolt (Apostasy) and the Rebel (spirit of Rebellion). sort out from those who are branded on the forehead with the Lamb’s Seal, all those with the name of the beast or with the number 666;” the Time is here and I Myself am branding My people with My Name and My Father’s Name; Vassula, I did not open the floodgates of heaven to pour out My blessings in abundance for you alone, but My blessings are being poured upon all mankind now, before My Great Return; you are, as I have been saying, living in a time of great mercy and grace, but the Day is coming now, burning like a furnace; and all those who have not been sealed with My Name on their forehead will be like stubble in this Day; I am revealing to you what is to come before I break the sixth seal; 4 come and consecrate yourselves to My Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of your Mother; as I have said, you are living in a period of Grace and Mercy; daughter, just as you changed from being disobedient to Me and have reconciled, making peace with Me and enjoying now mercy, so will it be for those who are still rebelling against Me; I will show My Infinite Love and Mercy to all mankind before I send My four angels at the four corners of the earth5 whose duty it is to devastate land and sea; I have ordered these angels to wait before they do any damage on land or at sea or to the trees until I have branded My Seal on the foreheads of those who have complied with My Law; 6 of those who benefited from My Graces and of My Mercy, to these I say: serve and do not wait to be served so that My Father in heaven allots you a place in His Tent; by being faithful to Me you will undergo great persecutions, but have I not promised you white robes in heaven? have I not promised you that you will no 4Rv. 6:12-17. 5Rv. 7:1. 6Rv. 7:2-3.