True Life in God Messages

628 True Life in God Notebook 60 My Vassula, lead a life in peace, love Me and propound My Peace everywhere I am sending you; have you not yet understood My Power? so what is there to fear? I have put My Finger to your lips; you are not completely conscious of it, yet I tell you, My Finger is on your lips to pronounce all that I Myself have given you; no, you will not get by unscathed, but I have enough Power to cure you and heal your wounds; My Cup tastes bitter, yet out of Love I invited you to share it with Me; if I were not standing by your side, you would have been torn to pieces; so do not worry, no one can snatch you from Me; hear My advice: do not get worn out; zeal for My House devours you and I am happy for your enthusiasm to glorify Me; nevertheless, the Bridegroom says to His bride: prophesy in peace and allow My Holy Spirit to be your Guide; My Holy Spirit will not saddle you with weights beyond your strength; therefore, do not prolong the requests and the meetings; My Spirit will direct you so that you may give them sufficient, only the essential should be done; serve in humility, preach and teach all that I have given you; in this way you will glorify Me; take care about what you teach; repeat only the words I Myself have given you; do not add nor subtract; be dedicated to Me; I am reminding you of these things so as to proclaim in perfection My Knowledge; I want you to be My Echo so that those who are listening may recognise My Voice; be careful always to choose the right course; Vassula, My Bride, the race is not yet over; do everything though in peace; I want My bride near Me, under My dictation now and then; work in harmony with Me; I am sending you to reap a harvest I Myself worked for; therefore, remember: console Me, desire Me, thirst for Me in My stillness, and allow your Saviour to rest in you; I, Jesus, bless you;  July 20, 1992 My flower, I, Jesus, bless you and give you My Peace; I have been asking you all from the beginning to lead a holy life since I am holy; I have been asking you, dearest ones, to change your lives so that you inherit My Kingdom; when My angels who had been given supreme authority rebelled against Me and destruction took the best out of them, My Justice did not spare them; they were thrown down to the underworld to wait for the day of Judgement; they too will be judged before the very eyes of everyone; and ah! .... what a terrible sight that will be! I will judge everyone according to what he has done and not done; in front of My Throne everyone will stand in silence and in awe for the Day of this final Judgement will be so dreadful that it will make everyone tremble with fright in front of the Supreme Judge that I Am; you will all see a huge number of fallen angels who were driven out of heaven and fought, in bitterness and spite, Michael the archangel and his angels; yes, your eyes will see My Rivals, the Rivals of the Holy One, of the Anointed One; you will all see those fallen angels, adepts of Lucifer, the primeval serpent who tried to lead my sons and my daughters all astray; you will see multitudes of those who defiled My Name and transgressed My Law; those who refused to be reared and fostered by My Holiness and preferred to be labelled on their forehead by the