True Life in God Messages

626 True Life in God Notebook 60 July 7, 1992 (Mazatlan – Mexico) We have failed to appreciate Your great Love and we do not cease to defile Your Holy Spirit, who now tries to adopt us and bring us to the Truth based on Love. Apostasy has intermarried with Rationalism; that gave birth to Atheism. We have failed You and are continuing to fail You. Some are deliberately challenging Your Holiness. You are speaking but who is listening? Grief wastes away Your Eyes, yet all You receive is contempt. peace be with you; pass on My Peace to My dearest soul; 1 you must believe Me when I say that My Holy Spirit in your generation’s great apostasy is persecuted like never before; He has become the stumbling block of your era; I have said, My little children, that they will expel you from your Father’s House and condemn you, thinking they are doing a holy duty to Me! do not let your little hearts be troubled, My beloved ones; I, your Redeemer, am before you; today, I speak for the sake of all those who are wounded; I give you My Peace, let this Peace envelop you, do not fear and do not say, “what am I to do, Lord?” I tell you: pray without ceasing to sanctify your own soul and those of others; pray with your heart and make the demon flee; be united to Me and no one and nothing will come between you and Me; the time has come when you should not hesitate anymore; spread vineyards wherever you can; do not fear of the tempests that arise now and then, My Sacred Heart is your Refuge, so come and consecrate yourselves and your families to Me and to the Immaculate Heart of your Mother; 1Father Masi of Mazatlan, Mexico. I, Jesus, intend to remain in your country and sanctify it, for this I ask you to consecrate your country to Our Two Hearts; I bless you all out of the depths of My Heart;  July 8, 1992 “There was a vine: You uprooted it from Egypt; to plant it, You cleared a space where it could grow, it took root and filled the whole country. Your Message covered the mountains with its shade, Your cedar with its branches, its tendrils extended to the sea, its offshoots all the way to the river. Please, God, look down from heaven, look at this vine, visit it, protect what Your Own Hand has planted.” 2 Lord? I Am; little one, lean on Me; Vassula of My Sacred Heart, rejoice! your King has come all the way to your doorstep and into your room; your King has stooped down from above to reach you; step by step I have taught you, I am your Educator, little by little I have drawn you away from the world to plunge you into My Heart; I have revealed to you things beyond your knowledge and your capacity; believe, My sweet pupil, I, Jesus, love you; have My peace; we will work together; I and you will spread My Message; I shall send you to a few more nations, then, when I feel you have accomplished your mission, you shall return to Me; I, Myself, shall come and fetch you; 2Ps. 80: 8-11, 14-15.