True Life in God Messages

624 True Life in God Notebook 60 broken altars; and My vines with faded leaves looking now like a garden without water, I shall come to them to irrigate with My Spirit; I will remove the thorns and the brambles choking them, and My vines will yield their fruit; I will do all these things to save you; I will display portents in heaven and on earth as never before; I will increase the visions, I will raise and increase prophets; I then will send you My angels to guide you and I, the Holy One, will live in your midst; My people are diseased through their disloyalty; they refused the gifts of My Spirit because they trusted in their spirit, not Mine, making treaties with their mind; but now the hour has come, the hour of My Holy Spirit, to glorify My Son’s Body; come, Vassula, I want you zealous; I want you to love Me; so, My child, I will instil in you fervour and a few drops of My burning Love to enliven you with My Flame; June 18, 1992 Vassula, let Me sing the rest of My Love Hymn to you; let Me stretch My Love Hymn for the sake of those who were not ready to hear; Yes Lord! Come and melt our hearts, show us my King, my God, the Riches of Your Sacred Heart. Show us the Light in Your Face. Let us understand that You, my God, are looking down from heaven to see if a single one is left with faith, with love, and if a single one is seeking You. Blessed be Your Name, blessed be our Lord, our Redeemer, Emmanuel, for He has sung to us His Love Hymn, even as He proclaimed by the mouth of His prophets that He would return, thus He prepares us now for this encounter. And You, Blessed Mother, You who gave us our Redeemer, once more You are with us preparing the way for the Lord and preparing us to meet Him. And the Lord, out of His Infinite Mercy, will visit us to give us light in our darkness and guide our feet into the way of Peace, Love and Unity. “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace to men who enjoy His favour.” 1 My Vassula, I shall come to a people who never gave a thought for Me, never a glance for what I have done to redeem them and I shall make the prophecies of Isaiah come true: “I have been found by those who did not seek Me and have revealed Myself to those who did not consult Me;” 2 and the valleys of death with its dead and its ashes will be consecrated to Our Two Hearts; be in Peace; come and repeat after Me these words: Jesus be my support, without You I am nothing, without You my table is empty, without You I am defeated; be my Inspiration and fill me, be my Refuge and my Strength, I love You and my will is Yours, so be it; amen; July 2, 1992 (Our Holy Mother.) Christ is soon with you; you labour, My child, but anything you offer My Son for 1Lk. 2:14. 2 Is. 65:1.