True Life in God Messages

Notebook 60 True Life in God 623 Lord, in Your Strength and in Your Wisdom You raised me, You fostered me; in Your Love You helped me, and I became Your bride; Lord,You confided Your Message to me; praised be the Lord; come, Lord, maranatha! amen; and I tell you: I am on the Path of Return; like a traveller who left, I, Jesus, am well on the road back to you; My Lord, tell me all about it, it makes me happy! My child I have spoken once .... I will not speak again; What do You mean, My Lord? My words are clear .... I still do not know what You mean, Lord. look, My child, your God is coming! Love is coming, He is coming to live among you, Tell me more about it Lord! We all delight to hear, Hope speaking where there is despair; Love pronouncing where there is hatred; Peace announcing where there are wars and conflicts. courage! do not be afraid or saddened, for these few days left; trust wholeheartedly in Me; be strong, stand firm, yes stand firm and I shall make your voice carry as far as the clouds proclaiming My Message; approach Me, approach Me .... June 17, 1992 Yahweh my God, You Who are so tender and so close to me hear the sufferings of He who is the Delight of Your Soul: Jesus Christ, Your Son; the Church’s gateways are all deserted; and her priests groan for her desolation. The City, once thronged with the faithful, sits in loneliness as if suddenly widowed. Your temples1are perishing one after the other as they search for food to keep life in them but what they inhale instead of incense is Satan’s smoke. Where are the domains like a garden? Where are the blossoming vines that gave out once, their fragrance? Why are Your altars broken? 2 peace, My child, peace .... hear Me: the Great Day is near you now, nearer than you think; altar, tell everyone that I will show My Glory and display My Holiness through and through; I will pour out My Spirit without reserve on all mankind; your eyes have seen nothing and your ears have heard nothing yet; today your hearts are sick and your eyes dim because you are living in darkness and desolation and the Enemy roams to and fro in this desolation; I, the Lord, will multiply the visions on your young people and many, many more of your sons and daughters shall prophesy, more than now; I will make up for the years of your aridity that led you to apostatise; I shall send My Spirit without reserve to invade My domains and with My Finger I will rebuild My 1We are the temples of God. 2 The three questions concern the soul. Domains, vines, altars, are our soul.