True Life in God Messages

620 True Life in God Notebook 60 back for your salvation without complaint; it is you, My priest, that the world will reject because you are attesting the truthfulness I have given you; you do not speak as for yourself; no, the written words are My Own, your Abba’s: I live in you and you in Me, you are My temple and I live in you; and now that I have clothed you I shall remind you once more: no servant is greater than his Master; if the world has not known Me who am Master and God and My Own people did not accept Me although I came in My domain, would the world today recognise and accept anyone sent by Me? never! I have said these things to you, My child, to remind you that if the world persecuted Me they will persecute you too; if they wounded Me, they will wound you too; if they jeered and mocked their King, they will mock and jeer all his household too; and if they crucified Me, their God, they will drag you too to Calvary and have you crucified; Vassula, your race is not finished ... offer Me your life like a good soldier, since I have enlisted you in this Holy Battle to fight against error and to be a threat to Satan and all his empire; do not be afraid of the sufferings that are coming to you; be brave under trials, be patient like I am patient; today, Satan is deceiving many of you; the man of deception is among you, spreading his errors to an ignorant and somnolent lot, because they preferred their own pleasure to Me, their God; some keep up the outward appearance of religion but have rejected the inner power of it: My Holy Spirit; so then, anybody who is My servant and comes from My household, is certain to be attacked, but, My loyal helper, soon I will bring you safely home, in My Heavenly Kingdom; pray and sacrifice, pray and sacrifice; look at your wretchedness now and then, that you may not fall into temptation; never feel satisfied with yourself; look at your misery so that it keeps you alert and awake; despise yourself and humble yourself so that I may lift you always up to Me and perfect you; Satan is powerful, yet not for long; hope, My Vassula, praise Me and glorify Me; it is I, Christ, speaking in you;  June 10, 1992 peace be with you, Love loves you; flower, listen and write: like a man who invites his friends to share his meals, I invite you today to pray, but also to share with Me My sufferings, My joy, and My desires; you are waiting anxiously to hear Me and listen in silence to what I have to say, and ah! .... how I know, how thirsty some of you are! in these times, as never before, I reach down My Hand from above, to save you from the powers of evil who are prepared to blow out the little light that is left in you and force you to dwell in darkness; so do not say: “there is no one to save me and no one to befriend me,” and that help is denied you; invoke Me with your heart and I will come flying to you .... I am your Friend; I am He who loves you most; I am the All-Faithful; I have taught you not to refuse a kindness to anyone who begs it, will you refuse to pluck the thorns that pierce My Heart? for this I need generous souls, I need today more than ever victim souls; is there among you any sensitive soul left? who among you will set Me like a seal on his heart?