True Life in God Messages

Notebook 60 True Life in God 619 I am the Light of the world; be prepared, for I may come into your house any time now; down from the heavens, from My royal Throne, I shall soon descend in your dreadful night, little children; be at Peace, I give you My Peace; be patient just for a little while longer and continue to glorify Me with your love; I love you all; with all My Heart, I love you; you are all My seed; I bless you, leaving the Sigh of My Love on your foreheads; May 29, 1992 (Detroit, Michigan) Jesus? I Am; open your heart and receive Me; tell My people that I shall come to them soon; on that Day every inhabitant in this world will know that I Am who I Am; pray for those who dispute what you teach; pray and do not allow your hearts to condemn them; have faith in Me and trust Me; Love is near you; glorify Me by restoring peace where there is dissension, love where there is hatred; imitate Me your Lord in this age of darkness; embrace My Cross; My Cross will lead you to sanctity and into your room in Heaven; Love will embrace you;  June 5, 1992 little one, single-minded, defend the Truth to death; continue to give yourself to Me, your God, and consecrate all your days and nights to prayer, sacrifice, penance; offer Me your will and the Enemy will have no chance to approach you; keep the sound teaching you have learned from Me and do not worry when your accusers calumniate you; I call to unity from My Cross, so never lose confidence, for it is I, the Resurrected One, who calls everyone; it is not you, it is I, the Christ and your Redeemer, who calls his scattered sheep; Vassula, be gentle and patient with your accusers for they know not what they are doing; by loving them as I love you, My child, and by giving yourself up as a sacrifice, you will be pleasing to Me; through your sacrifice I will have My House restored and many souls brought back to Me; you who are less than the least of all My children have been entrusted with My Cross of Unity; My Cross of Unity is heavy but you are to bear it with love and patience; be My Echo and proclaim to everyone the Infinite Riches of My Sacred Heart; you are to proclaim that Unity will only be built on love and humility; remain loyal to Me, your Lord, and remember that My Father created you precisely for this purpose, to give glory to Us; 1 so stand your ground and do not sway with the tempests; I am beside you; do not be afraid, the Truth will speak up; yes, My loyal helper, you will receive from My Spirit all that I have to say; My words, My child, will be like a lamp shining on the sacred lamp-stand, they shall be like a sword in your mouth; I shall open your mouth to speak without fear; take courage, My child, I Myself am taking up your cause; listen, today your accusers are covered with confusion, but you will escape their sword; here2 .... this is your Refuge; see? this is where you are .... I am your Strength, your Stronghold; although the scourge falls on your back incessantly, do not lose heart; remember how I voluntarily gave My 1The Holy Trinity. 2 Jesus with both of His Hands showed me His Heart that was like on fire but a golden flame.