True Life in God Messages

618 True Life in God Notebook 59 as You would wish and express thoughts worthy of Your gifts.” 1 I, Yahweh, love you; remain near Me; remain near Me and walk with your Father; repeat after Me this prayer: O Eternal Father Author of the Love Hymn, King from the beginning, You rose, God, to say something to all the inhabitants of the earth, True to the greatness of Your Mercy and of Your Name, You rained upon us blessing upon blessing; over the waves of the sea and over the whole earth Your fragrance travelled; Mighty God, there have never been such lovely things before in our generation, Author of the Love Hymn, Your Works are superb ornamentation, magnificent, adornment to delight the eye and the heart; I mean to praise You, Eternal Father, all my life, and sing to You, my God, as long as I live; – Amen – and I tell you: spread My Love Hymn with Me, your hand in My Hand; little one, walk with Me, it pleases Me; I intend in the coming days to irrigate My flower beds; wait My child and you shall see My Glory; My Love Hymn will grow into a river and this river will grow into a sea of Love; 1Ws. 7:15. “I shall make discipline shine out, I shall then pour out teaching like prophecy, as a legacy to all future generations” 2 yes, this is what I say, I, the Creator of the heavens and the earth; and know that soon, My whole purpose will be fulfilled, city3 after city will be inhabited by Me and rebuilt; 4 I will raise your ruins and reconstruct My altars5 one after the other; the ban once lifted, then all mankind will be consecrated to My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of your Mother; ecclesia shall revive; May 28, 1992 (Detroit, Michigan.) Vassula, let no one take away the prize I have given you, before you I Am; pray for the proud that judge My Works; 6 they have no love for Me in them; daughter, honour Me by proclaiming My Messages in all these assemblies; there is very little time left; these are the last days of My Mercy, so stay awake, stay vigilant; do not allow Satan a foothold; do not allow your spirit to judge prematurely; rid yourselves of carping criticism so that in the Day of Judgement you will not be judged; 2Si. 24:32-33. 3That is: soul after soul. 4That is: converted. 5The faithful who were persecuted and wounded. 6 Jesus was referring to the opposition that came up in Detroit. There was a certain small group of people who accused me of being a “new-ager”, belonging to the new-age sect. They went in every one of my meetings to “boycott” the meetings, distributing to all the people flyers with an article against me.