True Life in God Messages

Notebook 59 True Life in God 617 My Love for you is beyond knowledge and not until you are in Heaven will you be able to understand its fullness; I descend in these days of darkness from My Celestial Throne, all the way to you, to allow you to know, as well, what is happening and what I am doing; I am coming to reassure you all of My Promise; I come to reassure you, little children, of My Love and My Faithfulness to all of you; My Return is very near; I tell you solemnly, whoever keeps My Word will never see death and you who hesitate, doubt no longer but believe; – if you had failed to understand the teachings of scripture, do not let your hearts be troubled; come today and confide in Me, heart to heart; which father would hear his child’s lament and not have every fibre of his heart broken? I am your Eternal Father, He who loves you with an Eternal Love, and like a father who invites his children to share and inherit his property, so am I calling you to be heirs of My Kingdom; ah .... would that these words of Mine were inscribed on your heart and absorbed by you .... My little children, you heard Me say: I am going away but I shall indeed be with you soon; I tell you truly I am with you soon; I have said that there are many rooms in My Father’s House; each one of you has a room; give your souls peace and rest by filling up these rooms; fill them by making Peace with Me; today Satan is vomiting all his hatred on the earth; he tears up and overthrows countries in his rage, he destroys and brings disaster after disaster, but with great power My Hand shall build up all that he has torn; everything I have written in My Hymn of Love to you is only a reminder of My Word; it is to refresh your memories and to tell you with My Heart in My Hand that I thirst for lack of love; I do not bear a grudge against anyone; you are all My seed and I, I am your Eternal Father and Companion; I know well what is in your mind but I am not here to accuse you for your deeds; I am here today to show you how Compassion and Tenderness were treated; in My Heart I still have the lance’s blade and a Crown of Thorns surrounds My Heart; the pillars of the heavens tremble at this sight and all My angels cover their faces in agony; the very moon lacks brightness; your God is being recrucified hour after hour from men’s wickedness and spite; a Path was traced out with My own Blood to redeem you, and if your feet have wandered from this Rightful Path, I tell you, I have come all the way to you now, to take you by your hand and guide your steps back in this Rightful Path; offer Me your will; abandon yourselves to Me and allow Me to tear down the wall you have built across My Path which prevents you and Me from meeting; My little friends, your Holy One still has many things to say to you but they would be too much for you now; I will only add one more thing: if I have come all the way to you in your cell, it is because of the greatness of the Love I have for you; call Me and I shall hear you; I bless you, leaving a Sigh of My Love on your forehead;  May 15, 1992 It was You, my Lord, who gave me true education of many of Your Mysteries, since You Yourself fostered me and are my guide of Wisdom. Your Wisdom made me to be intimate with You. “Grant me to speak