True Life in God Messages

616 True Life in God Notebook 59 May 5, 1992 My child, I give you My Peace, write: I am your King, and I am here to mark a Cross on the foreheads of all those who are sincere and who truly love Me; you are to say with Me the consecration of My Sacred Heart1 and while you are saying it, I will, with My Finger, be marking you with My Sign; My Cross will be the Sign between you and Me; and I will love you with all My Heart, and I will guard you and fragrance you with My Fragrance; consecrate yourselves to My Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of your Blessed Mother, so that I may be able to make out of your hearts My Garden, My Resting Place and My Palace; come back to Me with all your heart; do not come and stand before Me with a divided heart; come to Me and I shall leave a blessing on you while you pass Me by; I am your Hope, so open your mouths to invoke Me with your heart and I shall fill your mouth so that you praise and honour Me; My sons, My daughters, be gentle with each other; love one another as I love you so that in the Day of Judgement you may find favour before Me; I tell you the days are coming when the unripe fruit will be of no use anymore, for your King who speaks to you today will reveal His Glory and you will see Him face to Face: so blessed are those who are ready to receive Me, they shall be called heirs of the Most High; be one; ecclesia shall revive! 1Consecration dictated to me by the Sacred Heart on January 26, 1992.  (Our Blessed Mother speaks.) children of My Heart, you are in these days watching the world tearing itself up, knocking itself down; the earth is overthrowing My children, destroying them and bringing disaster after disaster in many families; the foundations of the earth are rocking from the evil it produced; I tell you, so long as you continue to allow the Evil one to enslave you to Him many will be buried in the dust of sin; I ask you, and I implore you, to bury all that is not holy; how long will you hesitate to set out to find Him who loves you most? your Husband and your Creator? He who gave you your redemption and His Heritage, the Kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world calls you all day long; you can become the builders and the planters of this generation; you can become the menders of this earth; repay the earth’s guilt by fasting, by sacrifice and by prayers from the heart; happy the peacemakers: they shall be called sons of God; receive My blessings; May 6, 1992 “He has walled me in; I cannot escape; he has made my chains heavy.” 2 Compassionately, however, You come to their room to pasture them. (Message for all the prisoners of the world.) peace to you; It is I, the Lord, your Redeemer; do not be astonished, it is My Holy Spirit who dwells in each heart who speaks to you; 2Lm. 3:7.