True Life in God Messages

Notebook 59 True Life in God 611 of My Church, the Antichrist, the man who denies the Holy Trinity; have you not read: “the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ – he is a liar, he is Antichrist and he is denying the Father as well as the Son, because no one who has the Father can deny the Son, and to acknowledge the Son is to have the Father as well;” 1 these doctrines of Satan teach you to believe in reincarnation, whereas there is no reincarnation; they keep up the outward appearance of religion but have rejected the inner power of it: the Holy Spirit and the Holy Communion , My child; Satan goes disguised as an angel of light to deceive many, and together with the Rebel2 he will confer great honours on those who will acknowledge him, by giving them wide authority and by farming out the land at a price; 3 but I tell you truly, that soon heaven will open and My Fire will come down on them and consume them, Faithful and True, I Am; Judge and Integrity, I Am; the Word of God, I Am; the King of kings and the Lord of lords, I Am; and I repeat to you My Promise: I shall indeed be with you soon; April 20, 1992 Yahweh, I am Your slave, and I will offer You again today my will that You may do what Your Heart pleases with me. 1 1 Jn. 2:22-23. 2Freemasons. 3Dn. 11:39. What a delight to be in Your Presence and to be allowed to walk with Your Majesty! What return can I make to You for all the blessings You poured on me? I have only to lift my eyes towards Heaven and You bend down to listen to me; and when I invoke Your Name, Your Majesty descends all the way from Your Throne, You who are Sovereign in the Heavens and on earth, to be with me in my room and keep me company. I come to you; misery attracts Me, poverty infatuates Me, so do not weary yourself with getting rich; set Me, your God, like a seal on your heart, and I shall continue, My beloved one, to demonstrate My sweetness towards you; My God is good to me, a stronghold when I am oppressed and calumniated, a stronghold when times are hard. My God is my protective Shield. Satan may sharpen his sword or may bend his bow and take aim on me, but my God, my Abba, ever so Tender, will be present and will make the devil flee. give Me unbounded love, I am looking down from Heaven at you all, to see if a single one is seeking Me without selfinterest; what joy and what happiness I receive every time I hear My Name extolled! but many have turned aside, many are tainted with sin, let My Heart rejoice in poverty, let My Heart rejoice in a love without self-interests; give Me, daughter, as I have given you; do not appear to Me empty-handed; My gifts are Yours, in fact all the gifts I have been given are Yours. offer Me sacrifices; be generous, have I not been generous to you? give Me now,