True Life in God Messages

610 True Life in God Notebook 59 hands upon these people and bless them: “in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit;” you will honour Me and glorify Me;  April 19, 1992 Cities are raised on a single Blessing from Your Mouth, altars in ruin are rebuilt by an instant look from You, and the dead come to life with a single breath from You to extol Your Holy Name, and all those whom You covered with Your radiant dew made their peace with You, but everything is demolished by the mouth of the wicked. Death does not extol You, it is the living who praise You day and night. you have said well, daughter, the prize of the victory is with all of you; 1 double your prayers, your sacrifices and your fasting; treat your natural desires of the flesh hard; treat your body hard and do not allow it to comply with its cravings; make your body obey you; be in a constant prayer to Me and in every course you take have Me in mind; I am your God; pray for your brothers and sisters who follow a false religion, 2 a false image of Myself; the devil has gone down to your generation in a rage; these sects were prophesied in the Scripture; Vassula, these false religions have spread in My Church3 like cancer in a body; these sects are the cancer of My Body; they may argue that true wisdom is to be 1That is: Victory depends from us. 2 Sects like Jehovah Witnesses, New Age, Moonies etc. 3We are all the Lord's Church. found in them but Satan is trying to deceive if possible all the world, even the elect; the world’s stubborn refusal to repent has led it to error; your generation knew Me, yet it refused to recognise Me; it preferred to follow in its obscured mind Satan’s doctrines; I have offered My Peace but the world refused My Peace; the world instead exchanged My Glory for a Lie, it exchanged My Perpetual Sacrifice for the disastrous abomination: the spirit of rebellion given by the Rebel; the world has exchanged My Divinity for a worthless imitation: a mortal man, it has given up Divine Truth for a Lie; but, it has been said, 4 that at the end of Time, Satan will set to work and that there will be all kinds of miracles and a great deal of a deceptive show of signs5 and portents and everything evil that can deceive those who are bound for destruction because they would not grasp the Love of the Truth which could have saved them; this is the reason why I am sending a power to delude them and make them believe what is untrue, is; to condemn all who refused to believe in the truth and chose wickedness instead; the power of the Rebel6 is such that he has without any fear appeared openly now to everyone; this is the one of which the prophet Ezekiel7 spoke of, the one swollen with pride, the one who claims to be God, the one who apes the Truth, the one who considers himself as My equal and says that he sits on My Throne; the Rebel is indeed the Enemy 42 Th. 2:9-12. 5 Satan, aping God, can give even the stigmatas, like he has given them to someone belonging to the sect of New Age. 6Freemasonry. 7Ezk. 28:1-5.