True Life in God Messages

608 True Life in God Notebook 59 I am kind and ever so compassionate but very few want to be in union with Me; who will give away his motives for My Motives? who is willing to give up his interests for Mine? who will seek what is least sought in this world and bear It with love? – My Cross – and who is ready to seek what is least sought among you, who will seek: Love? come, pray for the conversion of the world;  April 9, 1992 (Arizona) Lord? I Am; I give you My Peace; bless Me; I bless You, my King. if anyone asks you for a message from Me tell them that I have already poured out My Heart on them; therefore I have spoken to them through you; 1 I have poured on them the Treasures of My Sacred Heart; this is My Message for all of them;  April 10, 1992 (Arizona) (At the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.) 1That is: through this whole revelation. tell My children: bear fruit in holiness; I have offered you My Heart, what will you do with It? Vassula, remember My Presence; My Presence is Joy, Peace, Love and Holiness; April 17, 1992 So long as Your Breath blows on me You will keep renewing me and on my feet. Breathe on me, so that I may not die, Lord. Invade my soul with Your Light, Yahweh my God, clothed in impressive Glory may You be blessed. Amen. be in Peace; allow Me to lead you as I please, I love you eternally, never doubt of My Love; come, My child, together, you and I, together in union with Me, together bonded to My Cross, we will bring many souls back to Me; do your best and I shall do the rest; let Me use you for My Glory till the end; delight My Sacred Heart and remain nothing; let your heart be My Heaven; I shall continue providing your soul; praise Me often and love Me; love this Heart of your Lord, love this lacerated Heart of your Master; desire Me and thirst for Me your King, despise yourself so that you remain in My Love and will not be deceived; do not look to your left nor to your right, I shall then perform even greater works through you; you are pruned now and then but I noticed how your weak nature dislikes it! everything I do is done with wisdom from Wisdom Herself; so, My Vassula, allow Me to prune you now and then; believe Me, it is necessary for your growth; I have chosen you for this mission to go out to the nations and to