True Life in God Messages

Notebook 58 True Life in God 605 incessantly attacking all those who come from Me and making war against My mouthpieces, but in the end they1will be defeated; the devil has gone down to you in a rage together with the beast, but Love will conquer evil; – Canada is Mine; the beast2 could make virulent sounds to cover My Voice in this country because it knows that they are the people My Sacred Heart loves; but I, the Lord, will stay there; and I tell you, that all evil spirits roaming in that nation are already fearing at the sound of My Footsteps and at the sound of My Sacred Heart; My Holy Spirit will not shun from the beast nor from those who have been convinced by it; I will expand even more now My graces, “for no angel, no prince, nothing that exists, nothing still to come, not any power, or height or depth, nor any created thing, can ever come between you and My Love”; 3 no one will be able to stop the outpouring of My Holy Spirit; I am sending you to them4 to remind them all of the greatness of My Love; I will give you enough resources to hold your ground; Love is with you;  March 27, 1992 (Message, call to unity.) My Vassula, write: dear friends, dear companions, dear brothers, there is not such love as Mine; what have you done with My Love? My brothers, be united by following the rules of My Heart which are Love and Humility; the things you think to unite are earthly things and they will not bring 1Satan and the beast. 2Freemasonry. 3Rm. 8:38-39. 4That is: the Canadians. you to unity; they can do nothing and offer nothing; but many of you have become slaves of your minds; so long as you do not reconcile in humility with each other and love one another as I love you, your separation will remain; My children, must I go through the pain again this Easter season? 5 many of you have seen the dumb speaking, the lame walking and the blind with their sight, but yet you continue to praise Me only with your lips; I tell you truly as I once said: “anyone who blasphemes against My Holy Spirit will not be forgiven”; 6 by persecuting My Holy Spirit you are hardening your hearts, and if your hearts are hardened by the lure of sin, all that is wicked will not be seen by you, 7 thus you will bring condemnation upon you and judgement without mercy, as you have not been merciful; I watch from above all of you, each one of you; I tell you, whoever continues to work for his own interests and his own glorification has already lost My Heart; their8 convictions are not My convictions for in their minds they are the same as Satan; rivalry and competition for earthly power devours their minds, egoism and pride have already condemned them; all these earthly things will make them perish by their very use! seldom do I hear their prayers; today you are surrounded by false teachers9 who openly and without fear stand before Me and proclaim Satan’s knowledge that is based on a lie; they disown My Divinity by disowning My Resurrection; 10 pray for these false teachers that they may escape 5By having the Feast of Easter separated. 6Lk. 12:10. 7One cannot, in this state, recognise their evil and so cannot REPENT to be forgiven. 8Jesus talks about these people to me. 9The modernists. 10This is also why the Holy Shroud disturbs them so much!