True Life in God Messages

Notebook 58 True Life in God 603 so courage, My friends; you are hounded but it is only by the world; you are insulted for My sake? rejoice! for I was too; you are treated as the offal of the world because you love Me? I bless you and join you in your sufferings; you are the jest of your people? but so was I, your King; you are not more than Me, your Master; My secret intentions are revealed now, in your dormant times; the revelation of My Sacred Heart is revealed in these end of Times again to awaken your hearts and bring you all back fervently to this Devotion; so among you there must be no premature judgement; love Me and bless Me; I am always with you and I will continue to reveal the Riches of My Sacred Heart in each one of you; Vassula, My child, I shall strengthen your stem and replace the petals your accusers ripped from you to give you this joy I feel whenever you offer Me your will; Love loves you;  March 4, 1992 I am listening, Lord, now. My child, listen and write: I am Boundless Tenderness and Compassion, but My people heap in My Church one betrayal on another, am I to keep silent? My Body, from the sole of My Foot to My Head, hurts and is in great agony; I have got impressive wounds and I am taunted by My Own; a great and innumerable multitude is on its way to perdition; many of My sacerdotal souls flout piety; I pronounced warnings since the Time of Fatima to this day; I have emptied My Heart on you, generation, but many of you have forgotten the ransom that was paid to free you .... 1Vassula, you are not listening as I want you to listen .... 2 for the sake of My Love, child, speak to Me! do not lack courage, I love you! Lord, my persecutors are now putting in print something against me. they are My persecutors too, not yours only; but I tell you they will quite certainly destroy themselves by their own work of destruction if you do not pray for them and their reward will be evil for the evil they are doing; My Heart is a vast ocean of Love and Forgiveness; I know, Lord, but they tempt back the ones who have only just escaped from the Evil one. daughter, Wisdom has given you a gift, to hear, write and understand Love’s Desires; these points, daughter, are not easy to understand by unspiritual people; they will never accept anything of My Spirit, they see it all as nonsense; they will go on teaching with the current of the world, like philosophy is taught; then, have you not read that the spiritual gifts from My Holy Spirit will be hard to understand so long as they think and come to Me like philosophers? have you not read that these are the points that these people distort as long as they are not in the Spirit, the same way as they distort the rest of Scripture? Scripture has warned you all about these people; believe and grow in the grace I have given you, soon My Purifying Fire will come upon you all to dissolve in flames the crimes of this world; your Holy Mother and I have emptied Our Hearts to you all since the day of Fatima, but My observances that I desire from you are not carried out and only a remnant are listening; this generation is 1Jesus suddenly stopped. 2Jesus changed tone, like He was pleading.