True Life in God Messages

602 True Life in God Notebook 58 I am the Resurrection and the Life, I come to resurrect your devotion to My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of your Mother, so do not fear, stay on your guard; for many will come using My Name manipulated by the Evil One, to deceive you and blow away the little flame left in you and leave you in total darkness; many will fall away because their roots were not in Me; pray that you may not be tempted by the Evil one; alas for you who continue to persecute My mouthpieces saying: “we would never have joined in shedding the blood of the prophets, had we lived in our fathers’ day;” I tell you, all of this will recoil on your heads unless you repent! My beloved children, the burglar comes by night1 so stay awake and do not allow him to break in your house; be in constant prayer to Me; to pray without ceasing is to be aware of My Presence before you; to be aware of My Presence is to be awake, to be awake is to be with light and with sound; your house is your soul; see to it then that the light inside you is not darkness; do not let the Tempter find you asleep; you are My friends, remember? love one another as I love you; anything you will ask in My Name I shall give you; some of you today are sad because the world is passing premature judgement on My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of your Mother; but soon Our Two Hearts will show the world how wrong it was about judging, when I will reveal My Holy Face2 in them; daughter, write: “when I will break the sixth seal, there will be a violent earthquake and the sun will go as black as coarse sackcloth; the moon will turn red as blood all over, and 1 That means Satan comes in a dark soul much easier. 2That is in the Purification Day, when we will see our sins with God’s Eyes. the stars of the sky will fall on to the earth like figs dropping from a fig-tree when a high wind shakes it; the sky will disappear like a scroll rolling up and all the mountains and islands will shake from their places; “then all the earthly rulers, the governors and the commanders, the rich people and the men of influence, the whole population, slaves and citizens, will take to the mountains to hide in caves and among the rocks; they will say to the mountains and the rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us away from the One who sits on the Throne and from the anger of the Lamb;’ 3 for the Great Day of My Purification is soon upon you and who will be able to survive it? “everyone on this earth will have to be purified, everyone will hear My Voice and recognise Me as the Lamb; all races and all religions will see Me in their interior darkness; this will be given to everyone like a secret revelation to reveal the obscurity of your soul; when you will see your insides in this state of grace you will indeed ask the mountains and the rocks to fall on you; the darkness of your soul will appear as such that you would think the sun lost its light and that the moon too turned into blood; this is how your soul will appear to you, but in the end you will only praise Me;” – if a stranger comes your way and tells you that the food4 I have been giving you is vile, do not listen to him, listen to the language of My Sacred Heart, the language of My Cross; let your fidelity to My Sacred Heart bloom once more, consecrate yourselves all to My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of your Mother; I will be visiting you again, My little children; 3Rv. 6:12-17. Here Jesus indicates plainly, that in the day of purification, everyone in the world will experience his state of his soul and again everyone will recognise the Lamb, meaning Jesus. 4These messages.