True Life in God Messages

Notebook 58 True Life in God 601 bless Me and praise Me; sow when I sow, sow abundantly and wherever I take you to sow; soon you shall pass this era’s threshold to enter into an Eternal Peace; endure in the meantime all that I endure, alone you are not, persevere, My child, and remember Who is near you, blessing you; Love loves you;  March 3, 1992 (In my times of persecutions) Lord, I have not spoken in secret, all I say is in prayer and in Your Assembly praising You. I am trying to obey Your Sacred Heart, and the Instructions I received from You, I do my best to display them as they were given me. Although I am poor and can hardly give You anything, I have given You the only thing I have and You had told me is mine, I have offered Your Majesty: my will, that You may use it if it pleases You for Your Merciful Designs. I know, My child, but have they not also hated Me for no reason? anyone who issues from Me to witness for the Truth will be hated, persecuted and hunted like game – a servant is not greater than His Master .... these persecutors would be blameless in the Father’s Eyes if they had not known My Law; but as it is they have seen My Law, yet only in darkness; they call themselves doctors of the Law and believe they know everything but in reality they know nothing; they think that by judging you and condemning you in public that they are doing a very holy duty for Me, your God; had they followed My Commandments and kept them they would not have judged; had they any love in them they would have kept My Words and My Law; but in reality they are not judging you, they are judging My Good Works on you all; I have only commissioned you to go out and be My Echo; in being My Echo I expect you to bear fruit, fruit that will last .... – but they have not understood .... My child, continue to do the work I have commissioned you for: bring souls to Me that I may consume them in My Sacred Heart; I am thirsty for souls; listen, the evidence of My Holy Works are shining on you all to take away this darkness; the evidence of My Holy Works are their good fruit; fruit that lasts; the evidence of My Holy Works is the gift of Peace I am giving you and the Love I am infusing you with; the evidence of My Holy Works is My salvation calls to the Eucharistic Life; the Father and I want true worshippers, worshippers who will worship in spirit and truth; My Spirit of Truth descends all the way to your doorstep to remind you that in the end – Our Two Hearts will prevail – this is to fulfil the words written in Scriptures: “after the three and-a-half days, God breathed life into them and they stood up”; 1 yes, in all Glory, for “these are the Two Anointed Ones” 2who stand side by side; Our Two Hearts are like “Two Olive Trees, one to the right and one to the left”; 3My Sacred Heart has fathomless Riches and many things to say to you all, My little children; 1Rv. 11:11. 2Zc. 4:14. 3Zc. 4:3.