True Life in God Messages

Notebook 58 True Life in God 599 do not believe anymore the testimony I had given you all about the Reminder of My Word: My Holy Spirit; wash your hearts clean and the heavens will shine on you; from above, I have been watching you, City of Tradition, you have practised the exact observances of the Law of My Primitive Church, but today you are blinded by ostentation and pay little attention or none at all to the weightier matters of My Law – Mercy! Love! Humility! and a spirit of Forgiveness .... My sorrow is great and I groan inwardly as I wait for you to seek for the greater gifts of My Spirit; I am weary of seeing you preach spiritual things unspiritually; had they understood the depths and the weightier matters of My Spirit today they would have accepted the gifts too of My Spirit, but the pride that you take in yourselves is incessantly lacerating Me; I have entrusted you with thousands of souls to teach and help them gently, drawing them into My Heart, reminding them of My Tenderness, My Love and My great thirst for them, but you pass premature judgement on them and load them with burdens that are unendurable, burdens that you yourselves do not move a finger to lift! in My days I was the stumbling block and today My Holy Spirit is again, – the stumbling block – for many of My sacerdotal souls; – the Eyes of the Lord, I am telling you, are not only turned towards the righteous and the virtuous; My Eyes also turn towards the wretched and the ones you call unworthy; the stars from the sky will soon drop to the earth and the powers of heaven will shake and you will still be unaware; this earth will soon disappear and the new heavens and the new earth will be upon you and you will still be running away from My Spirit; yet, if even today you humble yourselves and sincerely admit you are sinners and unworthy, I shall take away the spirit of lethargy that is hovering over your nation! you say yourselves rich, show Me your riches then; “famine” is the only word I hear from your country; “famine” is written all over you; if you say yourselves rich, then where are your glorious pastures? why do I stumble on decaying corpses? how is it I hear no sound from you? – My Holy Spirit in His Infinite Mercy descends now to feed you all and fill your spirit with My Celestial Manna; as a Shepherd I shall look for My strayed sheep, I shall tend their wounds with everlasting Love; I will support the weak and the weary and those you pasture no more; I will console My children; so do not hinder Me or become an obstacle in these days of Mercy; do not contradict what you teach on My Spirit; I have told you all this now before My Day comes; will I hear: “God, here I am! I am coming to repent! I will stop insulting Your Spirit of Grace because I know that if I do, I would be severely punished”? it is for your salvation that I speak, and if I reproach you it is because of the greatness of the Love I have for you;  Vassula, pray for your priests to learn real humility from Me;