True Life in God Messages

Notebook 57 True Life in God 597 I have chosen you as a signpost for what unity will be like but they do not listen; they do not bend either; instead they run to offer Me incense, but what am I to do with all their incense? I want incense from their heart, I want peace from their heart, I want praises from their heart, I want love, mercy and compassion from their heart; I want reconciliation from their heart; ah, daughter, do not weary crossing this desert, your Redeemer is near you and we are bonded together; I have posted you for this mission to flash like lightning My Words to all nations; – tell them that if they say to be witnesses of the Most High let them then show Me their peace through integrity and honour through devotedness; tell them to examine their path and return to Me, and I shall give them the Spirit of understanding; today I am offering them Mercy in a time of trouble; I am offering them Compassion in their appalling misery; I am giving them the Gift of My Love; repeatedly I have been stretching out My Hand to lift them to Me, and yet how often have they responded? I have been showing them My pity and My Compassion; how long am I to allow them to rock Me with sorrow by rejecting to do My Will? must I still hold back the Father’s Hand? the Father’s Justice is flaring up already to light up the crimes of this world .... I poured out from babe’s mouths My bitter supplications, for peace and reconciliation among brothers, but look, how My supplications were received .... ah, My daughter, be the defender of the Truth, lay your head on My Heart and when you will hear the sound of My Heartbeats your courage will return to you; do not give in to the promptings of your weaknesses; trust Me, trust Me; .... look, 1 courage, daughter; I am by your side and so long as I am by your side, you will be kept on your feet; .... daughter? I shall never abandon you .... listen; hear Me, Vassula, I am sharing My Cross with you; look, My Vasssula, My Love is before your eyes and My Loyalty surrounds you; whenever I see from far off an anger from a legion of demons heading towards you to strike you and hurl themselves on you to tear you to pieces, I come between you and them, leaving them trembling; console then your heart in My Heart and do not fear; courage! no demons will be allowed to strike you nor will I allow them in their fierce rage to leap on you and burn you; I am standing near you to give you signals when to open your mouth to speak in My Name; come, the Light is your Companion;  February 18, 1992 Lord, I will not let my eyes off You, lest I fall again in apostasy. Allow me to worship You at Your Footstool. O Lord, display now Your Power on us all. Bring upon us all Your Tempest that will whirl away our sins. Let Your Fire (the Holy Spirit) come upon us to enliven us and purify us. It is hard to cross this treacherous desert in the dark. 1 I felt Jesus was trying to uplift My spirit.