True Life in God Messages

594 True Life in God Notebook 57 Before the Truth and Your Covenant you made me stand. O how bitter it is to feel Your Heart so sad, breathing in me Your Passion, uttering sighs of sorrows. I am profoundly sad, daughter; but do not weep for Me, weep for your brothers and your sisters, because sin devours them like cancer; reserve your tears, daughter, for them; Vassula, your wounds are nothing compared to My Wounds; pray for them before My Finger touches the earth and melts it; I know you are delicate and faint but have I ever abandoned you? prophesy and reveal My Heart to all races and all nations; February 6, 1992 daughter, I give you My Peace; if anyone will ask you: “what is this all about?” 1 answer: Compassion-and-Love is revealing Himself to mankind; Salvation leans all the way from Heaven to reach the Wretched, supplicating them to renounce their folly; what God is saying to us today means Peace, Reconciliation and Love; – Infinite Love –  February 11, 1992 (Message for New York, USA.) Vassula, allow Me to use your hand, write: 1God means the Messages. peace be with you all; children, I tell you solemnly that the Real Light is already on His way of Return; I am telling you this, My Own children, that you may all be ready to receive Me; the night of your era is soon over; understand how sins obscure the light in you; the love of this passing world is vile and could bring in you nothing but darkness; but I tell you, the night is almost over, and your tripping or falling is soon coming to an end because the Power of My Holy Spirit will be in full union with you all, to guide you to live: a True Life in Me, your God; happy is he who admits the Truth and lives in accordance with the Truth; his room in heaven will not remain void for eternity but will be filled with his presence; I, Jesus, ask you to offer Me your heart and I shall place it into My Own Sacred Heart and revive it; I shall fragrance your heart and purify it; I shall fill your heart with My Light and My Warmth; I shall imbue your heart with My Love and I shall restore it entirely bringing it back to holiness, and with My Divinity adorn it; – if you only realised what I am offering you, you would not hesitate or waver, to give Me all your heart, but you would listen to Me this time: seek good and not evil, pray with love and do not judge; soon My Light, like a Fire, will pass through you to cleanse your soul from impurities; I shall enter My cities, 2 and 2That is: our souls.