True Life in God Messages

Notebook 57 True Life in God 593 from Heaven against all the impiety of the world; so be prepared; everyone who proved to be false will see what fatal wounds they have given to their soul; I will come among you in Splendour and in Glory; the Spirit of Truth will be revealed in you to cleanse your soul; you shall see Me face to face1 and you shall see yourselves fully as you are known; so come to Me as you are now, do not wait to be saints, come and understand what I seek most from you; I love you with an everlasting Love, I have offered you My Life taking your faults on Myself, I have reconciled you to the Father and I allowed the hands that I Myself formed: – to crucify Me – so what could I have done more that I have not done? – if you say you love Me, take My Cross and follow Me and do not look with consternation upon the other small crosses I place on your path; love has no limits; love endures with patience whatever comes; love is not resentful but delights in the Truth and whatever the Truth offers; love is forgetful to calumnies said about you; so seek love, bless your enemies; I want you holy, but, My beloved ones, you are still so very far from perfection because the love of money is rooted deep inside this generation; dear children, do you really want to follow Me? then decide to follow My Footprints imbued still with My Blood; do not fear, My Footprints will lead you to Me in your Abba’s Arms; They will lead you to Him who held you first; have confidence and rely on Our saving Love; I tell you: in the end Our Two Hearts will prevail take My Hand, daughter, do not fear, I shall take care of you; I Am is with you; 1That is: spirit with Spirit.  (Later on:) O Abba, if Scriptures say: “Much hardship has been made for man, a heavy yoke lies on the sons of Adam from the day they come out of their mother’s womb, till the day they return to the mother of them all.” 2 Then, my Lord, You have said also to me in one of Your Messages for Our Heavenly Mother that She is the Second Eve, thus taking the place of Eve and what I discover again in Scriptures is that It confirms once more that Our Blessed Mother, Mary, is the Mother of all humanity. daughter, you have given ear to Wisdom and My Own Heart is glad and My Soul rejoices when from your lips comes the Knowledge I have given you; remain a nothing and allow Wisdom to instruct you; remain in My favour and do not fear the fiery wolves; do not fear them, My child; 3 O Abba, You are shaken by terrible sights coming from us, Your children; godlessness, hatred, Satanism, abortions, greed for power even in the Church, injustice etc. and yet You came to me portraying the godless to save me from destruction; Your Graciousness which is a torrent of blessings came upon me. You offered me Your Friendship and became my Holy Companion and my Friend. 2Si. 40:1. 3Something between me and God.