True Life in God Messages

592 True Life in God Notebook 57 – She opened her mouth to talk to me and I saw then that half of her teeth were missing and that made her very ugly, but I knew that a woman, so young, would do something if half of her teeth were gone, unless extreme poverty covered her. Russia, in spite of her poverty and misery, was courageous, and on her feet. She showed me her bread-giver, an oldfashioned instrument; 1 Russia was telling me that she will work on it, to be able to earn whatever and keep alive. I was torn inside me with sadness. Then, another woman came; she was also Russia; she too, most of her teeth were missing. Then two more women came, all of whose teeth were missing and showing extreme poverty. 2 Then, suddenly, a young man enters. He was the Husband of Russia. I noticed that He was well-built, healthy, tall and very good-looking. – I thought: how could He stand someone like Russia, with no beauty in her and repulsive for lack of teeth ... while I was thinking all these things, Russia’s Husband approached her tenderly and put His Arm around her shoulders. And I saw in His Eye, Infinite Tenderness, Love and Fidelity for ever and ever. I saw that He would never abandon her in spite of her unattractiveness. – I recognised You, my Lord. no, I shall not abandon her, nor does she repulse me; I am her Father and her Spouse, and My Name is Faithful and True; I shall dress her up again giving her fine clothes, and her heart will be the ornament of a sweet and gentle disposition; I have never ceased to rain a downpour of blessings on her; I shall never deprive her of My Love; ah, Vassula, be patient as I am patient, lean now on Me;  1 It looked like a weaving textile machine. 2 Four women poverty-stricken, does that mean four years of famine in Russia? January 31, 1992 No less than the height of heaven over earth is the greatness of Your love for those who fear You. 3 come and absorb all that is Me; absorb Love; I am Love, yet I suffer loneliness because of the rejection of My Own; My children have forsaken the paths of Righteousness, the Fountain of Wisdom; they are not listening to Our Two Hearts; but it had been said that the Rebel, that is the spirit of Rebellion, who “speaks words against the Most High and harasses the Saints of the Most High” 4 will challenge My Power; this spirit of Rebellion “considers changing seasons and My Law”, 5 look around you only and you will understand; Rationalism and Modernism are the prime enemy of My Church because both of these lead to atheism; both of them want to devour the whole earth, but, My daughter, I will breathe My Fire upon these renegades so that the scales from their eyes once fallen, they may see what great disorder they have produced and what oppression they had put upon Our Two Hearts; I am going to pass through all of you; repent! for the Kingdom of Heaven is close at hand; – come, write My next Message for all those who will assemble to hear My Word in Nice; (France.) peace be with you; My Return is imminent and My Face will be revealed 3Ps. 103:11. 4Dn 7:25. 5Dn 7:25.