True Life in God Messages

Notebook 57 True Life in God 591 and my desires to be captives of Your Sacred Heart; unworthy, I am, and I deserve nothing, but help me to live my act of consecration by being loyal, invoking Your Holy Name untiringly; make my spirit repulse all that is not You; Sacred Heart of Jesus, make my soul bear more than ever before, the Marks of Your Body for the conversion of souls; I, Vassula, voluntarily submit my will to Your Will, now and forever; amen; and now My Spirit will rest in you; .... Vassula, it pleases Me to see you spend your time for Me; all your sacrifices done in My Name do not go in vain;  January 27, 1992 peace be with you, little child; this grace has been given to you so that I, through you, will open the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf; I will continue to manifest Myself through you, in this way; you are a most imperfect instrument, but My Compassion sees your efforts in your imperfection and My Wrath gets disqualified by My Tenderness; never doubt of My Love; I want weakness so that I may do everything; it is I, Jesus, who shall give you1 the directives to Unity; the hour has come for My Body to be glorified; men shall soon learn in which way I wish them to unite, My Way will not be their way .... now I have revealed My desires to them, I have revealed My Heart to them; with My Power I shall unify the dates of Easter, it will not be forced upon you, I shall find a means with Peace; yes, with immense power I shall surprise you; today I have told them which course to take, and tomorrow I will lead them where I chose;  January 30, 1992 (Gera Lario, Italy) Lord? I Am; Am I to write what I have seen at dawn? write, – I have seen Russia. do not weep; she will recover; weep bitterly rather for those who have gone away from Me; I will rebuild her; weep for the man who is dead; I will embellish her, Vassula; O God, I have seen her misery! What I have seen is this: A woman approached me, young, not very beautiful but neither ugly. Her name: Russia. She came over to me and I noticed from her clothing that she was poor. 1To humanity.