True Life in God Messages

580 True Life in God Notebook 56 not believe in the Truth; never cease your prayers; I, the Lord, have passed through your cities, Ireland, and although at the moment you do not know the Plans I have designed for you; - remain in My Divine Love and you shall feel strong, - remain in My Sacred Heart and you shall prosper, - remain in My favour by your constancy and faith, - remain in Me, and you shall live; I, the Lord, bless each one of you leaving the Sigh of My Love on your forehead; remember: Love loves you;  November 24, 1991 My child, I am the only Mother of all mankind; every single one of you is My child; Holy Mother will everyone, one day accept this Truth? in the end every soul will accept this truth; those who sincerely love God now, will accept it; never cease praying, My child, for the conversion of the world; understand the more prayers I obtain, the less evil will be promulgated; prayers are never wasted; I offer them to the Father whose Justice is at hand; pray to obtain God’s Mercy; you do not know what God has reserved for this evil generation, but have in mind how in rebellious times His Hand fell on sinful men, and that was, then, a fraction of what He has now in store for you; His Justice will respond from His Holy Abode in accordance to the sins of this generation; He will come with Fire, thunder, hurricane and flame of devouring Fire to burn up the crimes of the world; no, you do not know what the Almighty has reserved for you to purge mankind; the signs are there all around you, but few see or notice them; innocent blood is shed of My sons’ and daughters’ for Satan; this innocent blood is offered like a holocaust to the Evil one; Satan’s plan is to strip this world from its creation, annihilate you all and engulf you all in flames; he wants one big holocaust out of all of you; I shout, I cry out, I shed Tears of Blood, but few pay attention; God will be coming to you but you do not know in which way; Holy Mother, we are praying but as You say, we are very few; what to do?! your prayers can change the world; your prayers can obtain God’s Graces for the conversion of sinners, and the more conversions, the more prayers will be made and heard for other conversions; do you understand? prayers are powerful; this is why I insist of you not to abandon your prayers and your sacrifices, the faithful are needed now more than ever; God will remember all your sacrifices, My dearest children; love Him and glorify Him; ecclesia shall revive in all Her glory; (Later on) Lord? I Am; delight Me and do not keep silent in proclaiming the Truth; I have blessed your mission; I am your Rock and Shelter; if you lie low My Presence shall be seen in all its splendour; you will pray, I am listening;